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About frd1419

  • Birthday 10/28/1970


  • Location
    Long Island

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    mechanic/ vol. firefighter / EMT
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  1. I already have done that and in the packet i received back made no mention of a filter number.
  2. Anyone know the correct oil filter number for the EN330 engine?
  3. Anyone know what the exhaust diameter is for a 1941 Type 45 fire engine. I have a M330 Continental engine.
  4. Thanks to all for the good info. the truck is running again!! It turns out that the wires where one position off when I set the flywheel on TDC. Moved them back and she fired right off.
  5. I will give it a try and report back.
  6. Have spark and fresh fuel gravity feeding from a small lawn mower tank. Battery is old but I am cranking with the assist if a battery charger
  7. I have a 41" Mack with an M330 Continental engine. It stopped running on day and I can not get it started again. I found no fuel getting up to the spark plugs. Upon inspection I found the carburator body gasket leak fuel out, I had the carb rebuilt and reinstalled it. I have tried starting the motor and it still does not start. Fuel pudles on the bottom but nothing seems to getting up into the cylinders. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. What model of gas motor ? any pictures ?
  9. Just wondering if anyone knows what the correct carburetor would be for my Mack, It is a 1941 Mack Type 45 with a Continental 330. When I got the truck it had no carburetor. Now it time to get it running this spring.
  10. Send me an email of what info you need and I will be happy to help. frd1419
  11. Name: Mack Type 45 (1941) Date Added: 26 June 2009 - 02:30 PM Owner: frd1419 Short Description: Type 45 triple combination pumper. Hale 500gpm pump. Originally in service with Wellsboro PA FD Currently looking for pump handle and pump throtle View Vehicle
  12. Any one know who sells m330 parts. I need an exhaust vale. Lost compression the other day and found #2 exhaust valve stuck open. So before I start tearing into the motor I would like to know what is available.
  13. Good luck with it. Looks like it is in the same condition mine was in when I picked up my 41 type 45 last March. Everyone here in the forum is very helpful, even when I had my questions. Fred
  14. WE HAVE SPARK AGAIN!!!! Thanks to all who posted, the problem turned out to be two fold. First the wire feeding the coil was good enough to pass voltage, but not good enough to pass current. Next problem was the spark plug and coil wires. With 5k of resistance what ever voltabge the coil put out was eaten up before it reached the plugs. .Thanks again and Happy 4th of July. Fred
  15. WE HAVE SPARK AGAIN!!!! Thanks to all who posted, the problem turned out to be two fold. First the wire feeding the coil was good enough to pass voltage, but not good enough to pass current. Next problem was the spark plug and coil wires. With 5k of resistance what ever voltabge the coil put out was eaten up before it reached the plugs. .Thanks again and Happy 4th of July. Fred
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