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About r600

  • Birthday 05/26/1971


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  1. can anyone tell me what size the bolts are that hold the dog to the bonnet are?????cheers adrian
  2. thanks rob will check where the compressor line goes too,and rowdy/r yes needs to be female as you said,cheers adrian
  3. is this the wet tank or is it one of the ones inside the chassis?????
  4. have pull it apart put new o rings in its not leaking anymore,thanks adrian
  5. can anyone tell me what this valve is and does its on the l/h side behind the cab,when i stand on brakes air coming out sides????cheers adrian
  6. sorry didnt say i want to plug my shed compressor into the trucks air system to build air up without running trucks engine???
  7. hey i have r685rst and want to put an air fitting in so i can pump the air up without running the engine can anyone help,cheers adrian
  8. yes mate they are spin on thanks adrian
  9. ok now what about engine oil filter numbers
  10. no part number on old one but it a short filter like primary but with different thread
  11. hey,just went to change primary and secondary filters for the first time,the primary filter483gb444 fitted but the secondary filter they gave me 483gb440 is wrong its too large where the o ring seals on filter head???can anyone help with the right part number????cheers adrian
  12. hey grant funny you tell me mack have 11 sets ,i asked my local dealer 2 years ago to see if they could get rails never got back to me so extended mine,some spare parts guys dont give a sh-t,what the cab worth do you know???cheers adrian
  13. hey grant funny you tell me mack have 11 sets ,i asked my local dealer 2 years ago to see if they could get rails never got back to me so extended mine,some spare parts guys dont give a sh-t,what the cab worth do you know???cheers adrian
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