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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. WERE THERE I cant find a skilled work force to harvest crops so I use seasonal labor from mexico or us-mex. workers our min. wage is 9.50 per/hr. our pickers work on piece rate they will make around 100.00 a day for 6 hr. worth of work and I pay for their housing and fuel that's 16.00/ hr. then if they want to work more I'll let them thin apples for another 4 hr. so they make 140.00 a day for the two and a half weeks I need them so in 18 days that's 2500.00 now why do we pay unemployment benefits to the young outta work spoiled bastards if they would get off their asses and learn a simple trade they could make over 4,000.00 a month and get to travel too !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. yes get your grounds installed!!!! this will cause all sorts of mysterious problems, eng. needs to be gnd. to frame, frame needs to be grounded to the body, if in doubt add a ground to many are just enough. also you can test the gen. on the truck un hook the wires and drop the belt. I looked on line but cant find the directions if I remeber right you gnd the frame and power the field. and armature should spin. this will tell you if generator is functioning properly. IF ANY ONE ELSE KNOWS THIS TEST PLEASE CHIME IN
  3. I think I'd drive that as a daily driver ....sweet
  4. welcome to the dog house ......... nice job on the 6x6 would like to have it on the r.v.f.d. would make a good off road tender
  5. don't know on turbo but I know you cant buy a e9 turbo from mack, you could probably sell a good e9 turbo and get a good one for the little guy
  6. Here,s some nonsense for you, global gap requires me to inventory my spray shed 4 times a year wtf does that do for anyone? I must keep written equipment maintance records, how does this keep food safe? I have to keep records of people who visit my orchard, and must school them on what to do and not do in the orchard.. I,m not even suppose to let them take "raw" fruit from the orchard.
  7. which breather air cleaner or crank case draft tube
  8. hold on let me get the ole ltl9000 fired up, I think if I put 2 yards of dirt in the back of the box I can stick the landing with out bending the front bumper.......... lol
  9. the wet draft tube is normal if you can use it for a leaf blower that's not normal.... seen a few that would clean shop floor! you could check pai or ipd for kit prices don't know who your local dealer is should be able to find on line
  10. gearhead204

    Fast r

    reminded me of seattle area dump trucking lol
  11. was chattin with farmer and mack doc jr hit wrong button and now cant get back in, think it needs an inframe lol
  12. lets see no lead smelters left, coal mines in a choke hold, do we still have a steel mill? shortage of skilled blue collar workers, next generation thinks its owed a living wage for working at mc d if they work at all.......... were blued .....screwed ..........and soon to be tattooed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I guess scrapple never made it west of the Mississippi never heard of it.
  14. well in frame and turbo plus dual cleaners should fix it. be sure to pressure check the intercooler while its out!
  15. well the north west is in the banana belt started the day at 15f clear sky and sun 11am now and 29f and still no snow!
  16. the turbo can still be tight and push oil like glenn said plugged air filter will cause this .if you don't know the history of this truck I'd reassemble with old parts for now change air filter clean turbo and manifold and run truck under load and reinspect also check draft tube for excessive blow by. (You could change turbo if you have a good one before test running, seal maybe too damaged on old turbo to reseal) I'd hate to see ya rebuild the heads only to find out you needed a in frame
  17. if you can return the cooler I just bought one in aug. push on style ,they also had the o ring style don't know if this helps
  18. bobo so do you need the o ring style or barbed push ons ? which turbo do you have small like 2 1/2" discharge or 4" my 89 superliner e9 was all push on but the parts house kept trying to sell me a o ring style. the company is shield radiator ph. 866 826 1099 6-4 pst
  19. are the exh. ports wet where the exh. manifold meets head? if not change the hair dryer. if so run truck under a load and reinspect eng. may have been idled too long either way oil in charge air piping = new turbo
  20. I cant believe that my seasonal help must live in acceptable housing but I don't have too!! I use government labor housing that's two years old built for farm labor, now home land security and boarder patrol hang out there and pressure the workers, theirs no way that I can afford to supply acceptable housing for 30-45 workers for 20 days worth of work !!
  21. as if global gap isn't bad enough, now they want to shovel more shit down my neck. how flipin hungry must we make people to get them to get their heads pulled out! once you cant buy any thing produced by a family farm you will never know what you are eating!!!!!!!!!!
  22. does your voltage regulator require "polarizing" I can remember older equipment requiring this before system charges.
  23. must have been late 89 or 90 my rw was built 4/89 and still had the vee pump
  24. happy new year everyone got some coors light, Pendleton and coke and headin to the neighbors to detonate a truck load of explosives I mean fire works talk to ya next year! rob
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