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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. your not supposed to let the air box recovery jugs get that full lol
  2. my rw brackets sre just above n below the vent
  3. yep its the smell, or at least that's what I'm blaming it on also, think the smell of cow crap proceeds me ! The thought of a regular meeting time on sunday sounds like a good time!
  4. Detroit mix now that's 4 parts oil 1 part fuel 5 parts pissed off ?
  5. talk about a ethic code violation, that's just wrong!
  6. just remember the larger the ass the colder it is.Shop accordingly lol
  7. big dog? with that wheel base should be weinerdog lol
  8. Feel for you superdog hope you got a good vet and they get you healed up quick
  9. also you can take a jumper wire to the dynatard stud at the head unhook the factory wire and test all 4 independently when the eng is warm this will tell you if each head is functioning properly. also check eng brake relay in fuse panel. you could replace the pump and clutch switch with a foot pedal switch next to the throttle pedal, depending on driving conditions.
  10. pretty sure you will find a bad spring brake chamber
  11. aw hell just use all suggested colors and arrange in a camoflauge you pick the design, betcha you wont find another one like it, unless you take it mud boggin
  12. if memory serves my rw uses a strip of 10 or 12 ga. to reinforce the cowl
  13. I'm gonna put myself in the dog house now but I would love to get a narrow or needle pete. found a narrow nose 100 miles south of me but I cant get the farmer to part with it yet
  14. for 5 cases of c.l. mechanic fluid otta be able to do a frame off restoration ha ha. Wish I was closer down to my last case of c.l.
  15. also check the leaf spring center bolt, the axle don't have to move very much to really effect steering
  16. now if only the government would follow these simple ideas !!
  17. I think so as well, be sure to post pics never seen a rd with dual cleaners
  18. ive seen both the smaller you go the more the door opens
  19. google earth link
  20. rw brackets should work hope your a skinny little guy
  21. with that many d.d. in one place some one should call o'l mad dog from back yard oil and let him drill! should average a barrel a day with a 5" deep well
  22. does it have a mack rear or other mfg.?
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