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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. the t1070 used a small air slave cylinder about 1 1/2 x 4 if memory serves me and a air switch similar to a power divider sw.had a93 rd 688 with this set up. you would just have to match the throw of the cyl. to the cable or linkage arm and drill a hole in the arm and fab a bracket to anchor it to.
  2. peak you might contact cw grove in kent wash. not to far from Tacoma and talk to wayne kinda a grumpy old boy but no b.s. if he can help he will he knows mack.
  3. hell I just need a r model extended cab then I could move my seat back 4" and really enjoy the drive!!!! always figured mack never had a designer over 5'10" tall when they come up with that cab. my 6'4' body don't fit!
  4. does the hub have tangs or fingers to center the wheel? I've also heard of remilling the wheel for ball and seat studs
  5. SO fat guys can grease their truck !!
  6. love my t1070 5 speeds in reverse are the ticket. Never figured out what the hell an 8ll was good for, a 15 speed I thought was a better option. love seeing the faces of other drivers when you grab 4 or 5 speeds in reverse don't recommend using 5th. with a pull trailer !!!!
  7. AW F@#%
  8. [sorry it took so long had to call the paper and have them email me the photo. Don't know if the caption will read, this picture was taken on sr.20 about 15 miles east of Tonasket Washington on hanging rock corner notice truck is in wrong lane of travel
  9. thank you feel a little smarter now and I didn't even stay at a holiday inn express!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. welcome to the dog house
  11. can anyone give me the low down on a tip turbine? how does it work whats its purpose hate being this stupid !! what engines used it ?
  12. I'll grantee one bolt hole will line up
  13. well i'm going to get in trouble now and not agree with other comments.with a name of mighty fruit trucking i'll guess you haul fruit if that's so I would not get the camel back suspension, as another fruit hauler i'd go neway long travel air ride it does very well off and on road. I'm not for certain on the fuel tanks but I believe what they are saying that you could get a single 66 gal or dual 66gal.fuel tank with or with out balance line shut of valves or as above but 88.gal.option. and not extend beyond rear of cab. I'd go for the isolation valve option if using dual tank set up
  14. the compressor unloader may be sticking or freezing in the unload position . check by removing discharge line and then check for air flow after start up
  15. my choice is find a bone yard of old macks, most large contractors keep their wrecks around for parts and can be easer to deal with than wrecking yards. depending on area of country the exhost pipes will still be good because they were chrome and I believe the muffler bracket is bi directional. same for the gauges look for damaged cab a new pyro from mack is $300.00 I bet you can get most all your parts for that, and they will enjoy the beer $$$. congrats on the dog
  16. that will be next
  17. thanks for the road trip ! tried to round up pics. of the national Christmas tree but the paper had not put them in there photo bin yet. they got a good pic. of the truck on hwy.20 15 miles east of Tonasket in hanging rock turn in the wrong lane making the turn. will try to post when I get pics.
  18. don't know what my fat fingers did wrong; anyhow I need to go to the other side of the river (colville confederated tribes reservation ) and build a liquor store AND BAM in 5 years i'll be 500 billion dollars ritcher
  19. whats your boost psi? when pulling. you said intake was not as clean as other truck cooler clean? or ruptured
  20. I just did mu superliner in august 24 to 12 was fairly easy needed a 12v starter and volt meter had borrowed a shop book from the construction co. that I used to work for and it had all mack elec. combomations listed on one schematic, if you can get to a dealer you should be able to copy what you need.
  21. I had to read it twice but I think he's referring to the axle flange dia. and axle retaining studs
  22. staxx thank you for the explanation is the air clutch a Horton or other brand
  23. welcome to the dog house! you will soon find out the letters that spell truck stand for t=time r=resources and uck will make up 3 of the 4 letters of your vocabulary while working on it.
  24. could it be a official BMT Christmas card ? like the vortox air cleaner and shroud wish I had the extra cash to do that to my superliner
  25. check pump timing
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