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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. can you separate the ecm power supply from the starting batteries? if so supply with a good batt and giver a try. after reading the previous posts I to think its a fuel issue a fresh eng.shouldnt be smoken. but getting a second power supply to the ecm at startup would help conform this
  2. I guess the only way obummer can keep a straight face is to talk out of both sides of his mouth, once the idiots awake he'll need that secrete service to keep him alive, maybe we can call in a drone strike ha ha
  3. if you want real fear, pave a lane on the freeway and be the poor bastard raking the meet line have 2 feet of rake handel sticking out behind you into the live lane and see how many drivers actually see you, most are looking at the paver and never see you
  4. on the other end of this topic I know the thing was rebuilt a year ago, but what does the draft tube say ? ive seen botched overhauls that last about that long if johnny either was under the hood
  5. na jus tel em its a methane pocket that musta been ignited by lightning or something
  6. slpwlker just curious evidently no overheigth problems, we had a 773 watertanker and I would have to pull the inside duals off and straddle the trailer. don't you just love the paperwork that goes with h-hauling we could be loaded and ready faster than we could get permits.
  7. nasty damn disease,lost both of my parents to it in 08. Great to hear your still free after a year!!!!!!!!
  8. I just don't know witch one is worse new cars or new trucks,if it runs on wires it sucks, no dependabilty pieces of junk. this computer im typing on included too! As for the drivers hang the hell up and drive,read the paper at home and do your hair and face in the house not the car. if you need a gps you best be involved in search and rescue and .trying to find the lost bastard using a gps. the only time a gps would help me is when its too damn fogy for a gps to work
  9. finally a truck on here that's with in a 175 miles of home . love the rant to bad he lives so close to seattle, if he was a little further n.e. his blood pressure would be lower!!! nice a model kw have a local guy in town with one like it even same paint scheme and colors but with a kt under the hood, I don't know if dave would let me take pictures of it if I told him where I was going to post then lol
  10. on the swap do you have a mack or eaton trans? I thought about swaping my e9 to a cummins when it spun a rod,but it was 6in. longer and I wanted to keep the t1070 trans.had a buddy with a rw 713 cummins powered that I could steal from, but due to time constraints and the fact every thing had to move back I opted for another e9. so I guess my advise is get the tape masure out and find a scrap truck to steal from. then hobble your legs together so you cant kick your own ass when you touch the throttle and it moves at half speed lol
  11. I thought Studebakers with cab lights ha ha
  12. remember lefty loosey righty tighty lol
  13. mackdaddy please post if the truck will be in wa. state, would love to see it in person. Cant think of a good reason for a long road trip to Medford unless you want to trade your 85 superliner for a 89 superliner. I saw the flebay ad is it twin turboed? looked like charged air pipe was split.
  14. would be great with a locker , just make sure tag has enough lift so you don't get stuck on curbs and speed bumps!!
  15. that should be a awesome set up with a air locker provided it will lift a decent amount. could see a little embarrassment when stuck on a curb or speedbump
  16. welcome to the bullpen- I mean dog house
  17. hope the fire dept. that uses them is on top of a hill . ha ha
  18. wow ive just seen my first value liner with a v8 the r.h. drive is cool too. the 4 head light swept back hood really changes the look !! hard to belive that thing has 3m. road train miles on it and is still so clean.This guy must be super anal about his truck being kept like new. cant even see wear on hood cab cowl rollers or wear marks in side cowling. the value liner dump truck I used to drive only had 180,000 miles on it and showed it worked hard this truck looks like it ran on a dyno its whole life
  19. naw that's not a Volvo seat that's a 64 ford superduty bucket seat or at least it was the rule on my first job off the ranch, every mixer truck at Tonasket ready mix had that passenger seat also doubled as a tool box and a trash can. Great pics of the trucks never seen one out west here but can defnently see the ih influence also some reo. and diamond t. ih musta traded cabs for drive train parts lol
  20. think you will have to pull valve covers and check internal jake wire, also check spade connector where it goes through the jake housing, make sure its not shorted to ground. then check wire to solenoid. with covers off you could test jake with a jumper wire. now for the air, plumb shop air into your wet tank and remove lines from air gov. you should find a 1/4 in line whistling air at you it should go to the res. port on the gov. cant say for certain but I believe its the unloader port you want for the 1/4 line to the dryer.the other 4 lines I don't know for sure. with out more info need to know where they come from or go to
  21. nutten a tack weld wunt fix
  22. don't kim hotstart make a small diesel power gen/heater unit so you don't have to idle overnight just thinking one of these might work , I personaly haven't worked with these just a thought
  23. does it have a air dryer? how many lines to air governer ? you should never get to 170 psi safety valves on air tanks should pop at150 psi. the jake should work if memory serves . check to see if micro switch adjustment on fuel pump and clutch pedal are in adjustment and fuctional. is the eng. properly grounded?
  24. pull your air suction and discharge piping off your turbo and check for oil in the turbo if your environment is clean start eng. and observe turbo discharge DO NOT GET FINGERS CLOTHING OR ANY THING ELSE YOU WANT TO KEEP NEAR TURBO INTAKE!!!!! hold a piece of cardboard close to discharge and see if you get oil splatters.if so rebuild or swap turbo. if crank case breather is plugged it could maybe cause the turbo seal falure. also to small or to restrictred air filter will cause a seal falure
  25. chase the air lines from the service port of the brake chambers [line closes to the slack adjuster] upward the first valve you hit will be the quick release valve the next valve you come to should be the application relay valve. should be frame mounted and close to the drive axles
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