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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. Damn, glad your ok! sorry about the loss of personal property......guess you have a new winters project ahead of you. now for the next 3 years you will keep remembering all the other things you lost that you forgot to inventory for the insurance claim....( hope you have insurance)
  2. steal some from a freightliner at the wrecking yard, do you have the cross pipe and elbows?
  3. Never messed with the trans that you have but I would double check the parts book for it, as I have never seen a clutch brake work against the front of the trans like this one is. Normally there is another cover that the brake rides against.
  4. winter of 96 I plowed residential areas with a 4-71 powered Gallon t-500........ at 3am people would come out of their house just to throw snow at me........except one gal she made me fresh chocolate chip cookies.....I think she liked the way it shook!
  5. the kid might throw a rod looking at them air boxes on the "black strap" Detroit.......and keep him away from the exhaust system
  6. could have just dozed up a berm of dirt behind them and then put out the firing range signs!
  7. YES!........I can't understand why we can't issue AG. worker visas to these people with some harsh penalty's if they are caught doing other types of work. Give them an ID # and let them be taxed at a fair rate to cover whatever government services they may receive while in the states. The majority of these workers only want to work for the growing season and then return to Mexico, and "vacation" for several months before returning for the next years crop.
  8. just by eye, if the amount of input wear is greater where the rear most clutch disc hub rides the bell housing may need to be refaced. Having a single counter shaft trans hanging on the back should improve your odds of things being ok. It was a common issue with twin counter shaft trans. especially if the buggy spring was left off after trans work, as the trans weight would cantilever onto the bell housing.
  9. 20k for that truck!...........yikes nice paint but that's about it, looks like it hasn't be run in several years and the drivers are all mismatched
  10. yes check the dimmer sw. had several throw me that curve ball as for the power good luck we have a 74 gmc 6500 w/ a 366 in a fire truck tender with a 1800 gallon tank i've been thru the carb and distributer trying to find its problem but it all checks out.........it almost can pull a 6% grade at 20 mph loaded as long as its a short grade!
  11. nice piece of engineering ! but would not be able to haul didly squat in my state, the bridge law would kill it.
  12. I have no knowledge of different mounts on a B.C. as far as a book look on ebay for an 855 cummins service manual the 855 book should cover all configurations, as far as the rear main I myself would do it .Now this would be a good time to also check the input shaft for second clutch spline wear, if you have notable wear you could have the bell housing machined at this time to retrue the housing. Carlot: I guess we were posting answers at the same time
  13. I will have the ole girl in the shop shortly to do head gaskets and will pull the bracket and get you some measurements and a few pics
  14. The transportation of workers north is a challenge! I am trying to figure out how to afford several H2A workers for this next year as well as housing for them. I am too small of a farmer for the H2A to be a good fit (only 30 acres of fruit), so to make it work, I need to team up with a few other farmers and share the guys! But the thought of bad weather causing a severe crop loss and being stuck paying the contract balance scares the crap out of me! But labor is getting harder and harder to secure when needed. The new generation doesn't want anything to do with playing in the dirt or climbing a ladder, and only want to work 4 or 5 days a week. I guess when I was that age, I liked to have some money in my pocket, so 7 days a week of work was great, I didn't have time to spend it and was saving for collage or the tool box! I sure hope FU finds the answer to citrus greening , those tree viruses' are EXPENSIVE to deal with, we have one called little cherry disease and if you are late to find it when it strikes it will cost you the whole block! I'm in the process of prepping ground now that was Rainer and Regina cherry's for new Premier Honey Crisp trees that I will plant in April of 17 , its a rock pile that I'm getting tired of looking at ( about 50 cy. per acre of rock) hoping to finish that by the weekend (the cherries I pulled didn't have the virus, just no longer profitable).
  15. I would venture to guess that that truck must have an 18k or larger front axle, my rw713 has a 12k and I run 12r22.5 rubber on the front of it but the pictured above truck has at least another 4 in. of clearance than mine.......the smaller fuel tanks makes that thing larger than life......definitely creeper friendly!
  16. Would you like for me to post their pay stubs?.......Granted solid Ag. work doesn't pay this wage, but high dollar time sensitive crops pay workers well, as no insurance policy will pay for crop loss due to a labor shortage! So with the investment we have into producing the crop, we must harvest it or lose our ass!
  17. too new for my help! but I guess I'm not following you when you say you unhook it and it still runs, but spins free with the engine off. So did it spin free in both directions? ..... with it unplugged? .....im thinking that they may have finally got smart and made a clutch that is spring applied and air released now depending on how it could be wired it could be released with the key off if the truck still had air pressure.
  18. Billy T: I used an avg. daily wage for pickers during sweet cherry harvest. I have a few guys that do closer to 250 bucks a day, and some of the slower guys do around 140 a day. It costs me around 24 cents a pound to harvest plus housing. I'm pretty sure there are no other hidden deductions, just the same ones the rest of us get SS, fwt, and l&i. The reason I know this is I write the checks! Our state's min. wage is 9.47, so that is the bottom floor. If workers don't make at least that doing piece work, I must pay them per hour.....and I can tell you this, they won't work for min. wage! Any per hour work they do, they want at least 12 bucks, If you pay them less, it will cost you! ......fruit will be bruised, trees damaged and or your stuff will be missing!.....When there is a labor shortage, they know they can name their price. As for the guys being "locked into camp", I would guess they are our government's answer. Called H2A workers, those people sign a labor contract that says they will work at least 40 hours but can work up to 60 if they want! The requirement is that the employers must take them shopping every 7 days or to any medical appointment. With H2A, the employer must guarantee x amount of work. If that should change, the employer may be liable for any shortage of hours. The employer must also provide transport to and from Mexico. The government sets the rate that certain duty's will pay, so when harvesting, that's typically the highest wage they will receive while under contract.
  19. There are people that set them up with the "necessities" to the point that we cannot tell who's legit and who's not. About every other year, I will get a notice that I may have had an unauthorized worker. When you think about it, why would a guy work under the table for min. wage when if above the table, they can make often triple min. wage?
  20. glad to see "Murphy" didn't take a day off!.....I never seem to be able to find them with a carbide tipped blade but give me a chainsaw and I can find every hidden object there is
  21. they have to have a SS # and the employer must withhold SS and all other payroll deductions they pay local and state sales tax....now if that ss # doesn't belong to them, they can't file taxes on it. so the government gets added income!.... the catch is the few problem workers that end up either being jailed or hospitalized. Those do cost us money.
  22. how much money should I spend on housing people for 2.5 weeks per year? the state says I cant put them in tents, campers are not legal if they don't have 2 escape routes.....funny part is part of the labor I use are wild land fire fighters and they stay in tents for months when on fires. But the migrant housing camp can use tents (government run) Oh and the "So Low Wage" is about 170 bucks a day avg. for seven hours of work and I pay for the housing expenses
  23. that sucks...........nothing money wont fix
  24. Aw just hang some frame on the back of it and mount a cow pot on top! then find a pull trailer.......if the truck will get there the rest will follow!
  25. I JUST HOPE THE SWAMP GETS DRAINED!........as for the trade deals it may affect some of my apple exports but may protect me from beef imports, I am optimistic that like any good business person he will put competent people in the right places to make sound decisions! I think that with proper information we will also have a workable guest worker program for our farms, our current administration likes to think they are helping us, but then drag their feet and we don't get the labor we need in time!
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