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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. well, crop and cow prices weren't that good this year!........nice looking rw. was hoping you were asking 15k Canadian funds
  2. As the new world order assembles itself, I don't see a bright future for this country, as we have farmed out all (or at least most of) our manufacturing abilities, When you hear that our transformers are made abroad and most of our steel mills have been scraped, I just don't see how this country can gear up like we did in WWII. If that need should arise, where we need to be self-sufficient, I think NAFTA put us in a bad place. A north Korean EMP attack could leave us in the dark for a long time if we have to wait for a non-friendly China to build us new transformers!
  3. find a importer to ship you some.
  4. Does Illinois not have a national guard?....I would think that would be safer for all involved parties, I know if the UN or NATO sent troops to our county it wouldn't be a very pretty sight.
  5. My head is still buzzing from our government's "no contact position" when they announced several weeks ago to disengage with Russia .........but then again, I can't comprehend how you "lead from behind". Either They are a hell of a lot smarter than this farmer, or they are just as bad as their record is on the world stage. I don't remember previous administrations loosing allies to China and Russia , and act as if nothing is wrong or amuck.
  6. great score!........if my memory serves me correctly the only issue you might have with that combo could be the cam in the 350, I would suggest adjusting the valves and checking the valve bridges.........I'm not trying to scare you...just a heads up!
  7. you don't buy too many parts for that price
  8. what wheel base? looks to be 240ish
  9. never seen one for spuds, just belt bottoms but Tree Top had one for dumping "juice apples" sounded like they only had a few wrecks, one was a trailer and pup the dolly jackknifed and part of the lead trailer went over the side , the other was a driver left the truck running ......it wasn't when it came down!
  10. Billy T: I didn't check but I think the freightliner is a mid 70's it has a spud box on it, there are some nice clean hay haulers that run around the central basin here, however I don't get down that way too often with spare picture taking time. Carlot: seen a u tube vid. a few months ago, one of the good ole boys had passed and the procession was about a mile long of assorted hay haulers (nice rides) as for how we handle the bales well we don't!...........I let the tractor do it ! they avg. 1200 pounds each. I have some slip on bale spears the attach to the loader bucket on my 580k backhoe. VaPatentman: here's a before during and after photo of the 76 cf600 its a local truck that I reworked and its going back in service!
  11. on 5 lug wheels......maybe a ford frame and axles
  12. Here's a few more pics from bills place an Autocar rat rod 460 powered and the rear view of his 53 KW
  13. loaded some straw next to this old school house (highlands school) this just west of banks lake in central Washington, this next picture is the south side of chief Joseph dam (notice the fresh hydro seeding) the third pic. is the west view of the dam ( chief joe is the next dam down river from Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River) the 4th. pic is the hwy.17 bridge at Bridgeport Wa. the north side of the river is Okanogan county the south side is Douglas county the dirt work you see in the distance is Gebbers Farms making more orchard ground. 5th. pic is my last load of wheat straw for the year (cow bedding and supplemental feed) 6th. pic is my last load of honey crisp waiting to go to Selah Wa. for storage and packing. this 7th. pick is Bill Harwood's 53 Kenworth trailer tooter, I used to work with bill when I was road building in the Columbia basin, he farms just south of Quincy after he retired he shorted up his spud truck and this is the result.
  14. this is great news! now we don't have to worry about carbon taxes or global warming........I just wish you scientists would get your story straight
  15. execution .......that would be fine if we were talking about killery......oops was I thinking out loud again.
  16. I still prefer chrome collar thingy ..............I can spell thingy...........I think
  17. what rear suspension ? rw 600 or 700? single or double frame? how many miles on engine since majored ?
  18. thanks for the save Ron! I thought for sure I had seen the pump mounted off the compressor but haven't looked at an e6 for about 6 years now and was starting to doubt myself
  19. looks like 5k in parts alone! is the floor of the box gone? the sides still look good! and the tractor looks as if it was cared for. and I have to think that the scrap yards are full of 6 cyl. macks on the east coast, I see running take outs advertised out here for 2500 and up out here in a mack poor area.
  20. I guess part of my issue with freedom of the press comes from the late 80's when an investigative reporter spilled a story about ALAR a chemical used to color apples and its ties to cancer, after destroying part of our local economy it was later researched to have required a person to eat 40 lbs. of apples a day in order to cause cancer. if they had an issue with a certain chemical in the food chain why didn't they attack the U.S.D.A. or the state dept. of ag. for allowing growers to legally apply it? but no! some jackass had to cause pain to people for doing what was legal, they did print a retraction but that is worthless after the damage is done!
  21. I guess the way I look at this is simple, if I stand out on a sidewalk and photograph you in your living room while wearing my press hat is that right? I would say without your consent its not! so what happens inside an enclosure is just as private as your house.
  22. just because MOST of the west is state and fed. ground don't give you a right to trespass on private property! (pretty sure that's in or constitution some where)
  23. I will venture to guess that changing the filter will resolve this issue but I would also change the oil as well should be (motor oil) the oil should stay semi clean not crank case black if it does turn crank case black I would take a hard look at the compressor as to why its not draining back to the pan, the coupling area of the power steering pump should not be getting pressurized crank case oil.
  24. your thoughts would most likely get you thrown in jail in my area! just because range area is not posted does not mean you are welcome! our state law is if you don't have permission, the land owner is able to prosecute ! as for the easement only employees or representatives of that easement holder are allowed....NOT JOE PUBLIC! This time of year we keep the sheriff's office busy with hunters that think that just because its not posted they are able to access it.
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