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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. when I worked at the local apple warehouse we had a 79 f 800 single screw tractor would hold air for over 10 months, always was amazed when I would turn the key on and the low air buzzer would not come on, would look over at the pri.sec. needles and both were still above 110!
  2. if you ever figure out a truck strike.......maybe you could give me some pointers on starting a farm strike! .......that doesn't include going broke!!!!
  3. a dropped bolt or rivet would be lethal from that height!......don't want to even think about a spud wrench
  4. what was the main reason to cover them? .....I would assume it was to protect the deck, and perhaps provide a resting point during poor weather. the only covered bridges we have out here are called tunnels and only cross ground water not streams
  6. Well if you LIKED those two I would call you disoriented and disarranged
  7. I'm not much on all the fancy tools, sounds like you either have a fuel problem or a compression issue, check the engine blow by tube (a monometer test) will tell if you have excessive blow by, if you do the engine needs rebuilt. if it is acceptable then have the fuel system worked on, the high speed smoking could be any thing from a plugged air filter to an injection timing issue, or faulty injector. to an intercooler issue.
  8. it was for us "deplorable's" .......as well as a few despicables.
  9. Platooning.......new word for "convoy"......I wonder if they did any studies on road trains and the cost per lb. of fright moved verses "platooning" and applied it to this study? what happens when cars merge into the 40-50 foot open area between trucks? do the trucks readjust following distance? does the rear truck loose radio contact default and go into limp mode before the driver gets done making a sammich? looks like a can of worms to me!
  10. makes you wonder if the Clinton Foundation has profit sharing ?......or is that just for family members! see that way she can explain how they got their wealth ......since being a government employee would never allow them to have a bank account so large
  11. well maybe ISIS isn't our greatest concern......SAD state of humanity in this country!
  12. THAT THING IS TOO CLEAN TO RUN IN THE DIRT! .....looks great, I like the east coast style pin striping
  13. guess I should have looked closer, watch your step if you exit the passenger side! does it have dual air tanks on the drivers side?
  14. Damn disconnect switches! ......have had several throw me a curve over the years. would make continuity, but no real amp flow without causing problems or what I call "slow voltage" all gauges read right touch the key and thunk every thing goes dead then slowly goes back to normal. How's things in the upper end of the valley? 2/3 thru apple harvest on this end.
  15. check the internal wire, the clip may have come loose or broke just behind the connector.
  16. any info on how many were built with the kt? the 450 is nice but there is always the 600! I wonder if any of them were built! very nice find, doesn't look to be abused, just used.
  17. good looking tractor......now you just have to find a trailer just as clean to hook it to
  18. I have never heard of pressure regulating check valves ( but some days I don't know squat) I would say swap'em
  19. try reposting this in the BUY SELL TRADE section more people may see it there! good luck
  20. seems like their is several spring length's if I'm thinking correctly just wondering if wrong one got installed?
  21. as said before check fuel flow, be sure to check the filter heads, I've seen chunks of rubber (from a failing hose to a plastic candy wrapper ) caught in the drillings or rust flakes caught in the banjo bolt drillings, also some times the banjo bolt may have a screen or check valve located in them so make sure all fittings are clean. I will often pressurize the tank and check fuel flow thru all related hoses then the low flow will often be easily spotted.
  22. I take it we are talking about "camel back" suspension, what application is the truck being used for? on road or off? have any of the springs ever been replaced?
  23. thanks! WOW I have never seen one that vintage with mfd. looks like a military front axle from a power wagon or such. does any one have any more info? was this a living proto type or a factory option or area dealer mod.???
  24. Augggh you cant talk about a machine as rare as hens teeth and not show a picture, was it a 7000 series ford?
  25. must have been in the same era as the 475 twin turbo, strange I never saw this chromed up factory engine ever advertised, I always had my head buried in the trade rags from the late 70's thru the mid 80's
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