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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. YES and as part of no child left behind our schools are penalized if they don't graduate in 12 years, so the schools throw more resources at those kids and as long as ours receive a passing grade that's all they care about! I think that's why some of the education standards have been tweaked, so more run thru the machine without causing a hiccup!
  2. isn't his goal to make us a 3td. world country............ well I guess we found one thing he can do1
  3. Is the center keyed, or splined? if keyed a machine shop should be able to build one without too much hassle
  4. Randy, I don't know if a B model cab and hood "photo chopped" onto and F.W.D. fire truck chassis will work
  5. Maybe a " working Dogs" deal ?
  6. So do you guys think Barry would put together a classic calendar for 2017? I have my submission ready!
  7. your dream Vlad, my nightmare..... just got back from my third load 12 hr. round trip avg. Has anyone smuggled in any Honey Crisp apples to Russia yet?
  8. Don't know if he would have invited them in for ribs ...........but perhaps a bone!......Knowing his schedule I'm sure he didn't have time!
  9. Geeeeez people......know when to say WHEN! Hello: Bobs towing.......Hmmmmmm I need a sky hook.....I think and Ehmm ....maybe and excavator!
  10. When a BIG BUD is stuck your SCREWED! I've been told of a Steiger or a Versatile getting buried in a similar fashion and it was remotely close to a rail road line and they used a block and tackle and pulled it out with the locomotive, didn't see it myself but would have liked too!
  11. Take one end of the linkage loose that controls the leveling valve and move the lever by hand and you should see the bags air up or hear them deflate. if this does not happen trace the supply air line from the valve until you find the problem. Mine won't air up until I get to about 85 psi on the dash gauge. I think the supply line is attached to a pressure protection check valve if I remember right, it may be plugged.
  12. I bet the local parts guy still tries to sell you either mercon or dextron fluid depending on the emblem on the grill
  13. Ken chalk the wheels and release the brakes then feel around the air cans (double chambered only) and see if any air is escaping from the bleed holes. I'm thinking maybe you have two problems and a blown maxi diaphragm could be your moving (driving) air leak. and then a smaller one for the other loss. Also have you removed the compressor discharge line to make sure air isn't bleeding back thru a bad check valve in the primary air tank?
  14. Ken, check the trans breather and see if you feel or hear air coming from it, a range piston air leak can cause lots of hours of misery while looking every place else on the truck. 6 hours to loose 80-100 lbs. will be a pain to find, also does the mh have air operated functions in the heater box? I know my superliner looses air fairly quick because of a leaky piston for the defroster door.
  15. here is a picture of a load of empty's from a few years ago ,and here's a picture of the finished product. and some where in between
  16. sorry don't know what I did the other night read page one and didn't realize it posted on page 5....guess I should use my "readers" when doing this looks like a whale of a project, should make a nice finished project! love seeing a o'le binder get a new lease on life.
  17. Paul what brand of loader tractor is that? Also, did I catch a glimpse of a Kubota when you parked the Mack? I had some pictures of my neighbors jd 2955 stuck just like your IH except I was bottom plowing when the ground just swallowed it on the in furrow side. (lost the pics when I ran over my old phone). What crops are you farming? Your ground looks nice and flat like our Columbia Basin in Washington state.
  18. I would suggest flow timing the injection pump, this should verify that pump to cam timing is correct. as I believe the book takes you thru every step needed to properly set it.
  19. goes to show nothing was exempt from .....MACK GREEN! , well maybe my 76 CF600 is red! but the body is banana yellow. I guess the guy who painted the interior was content to use DAILY GREEN
  20. with Honey crisp we only pick 2/3 full to reduce compression bruises, so I can get 82 on , on 7 axles with the spacing I have i'm good for 98,000 ( I could permit up to 149,000 for a non reducible load ) the trailer is good for 68,000 alone so I don't have to worry about overloading it! Empty bins I can haul an even 100. 3high on the truck 4 high on the trailer. I can haul 6 long on the truck and 8 long on the trailer.
  21. Was thinking of putting a new one on the superliner, mines real dull, and wont polish up, is Hendrickson the best bet or who else has a quality chromed bumper that will last? does anyone offer a polished stainless or are they cost prohibited?
  22. we are having a good year as far as precip. goes, had various forms of precip. that I didn't care for mainly hail ,some grapple, and rain mixed with strong wind. Looks like another stormy day today too, Cumulus clouds look like erupting volcanoes outside right now. my cherry crop went for processor (too much water and hail damage) the apples look much better, we were able to thin off most of hail damage ( still have 15-20% damage) but most will be packable, so if you see a Domex box in the produce store and it says lot 281 or 272 Honey crisp, those are my apples
  23. thanks for the comments, I had never waxed the dog since I painted it 5 years ago, took a few rounds of buffing compound then one of wax.
  24. also you can try fleet truck parts
  25. spent the last few nights cleaning up the old dog, getting ready to start hauling apples next week, added the white tool box so I don't have so much junk in the cab ( the rear mounted boxes aren't waterproof) so I had all sorts of crap riding with me! also threw in a picture of the cf600, I got it past all of its pump tests nd it will be going back into service as a fire truck again!
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