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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. that ought to clear and grub some acres in a hurry! When I saw the title of this topic I thought I would see Killary's back side!
  2. Found a PAI kit on fleabay for 200.00 so I ordered it, guess I need to start ordering from MACK down under!
  3. Ok talked to Barry today.......no water pump kit or reman for the e-9
  4. yah.......never get both boxes in neutral at the same time!!!!! as for any other help............well.........GOODLUCK!!!!!!
  5. maybe one of the engineers will chime in here, but I always understood that the oil spray was to aid in heat removal from the underside of the piston , the ill performing turbo I would suspect would be another major factor especially in a fueled up engine, if over fueled during long pulls. as for why #5 every time if this is the case? that's what brings me back to the cooling nozzle. I would think if the block had a bad internal casting on the web around #5 liner that retarded coolant flow we would see piston skirt and liner damage similar to cold seizing in a two stroke.
  6. I understood that the cooler nozzle was aimed , my question is ..... has its proper operation been verified! as for the boost on the 350's that would explain why the 4 or 5 I ever ran I liked so well..... could always make a 400 cummins look sick!
  7. hard to call any dealers on a Sunday, was trying to figure out what my Monday move is. thought I would get some input from the guys while I waited!
  8. a couple of thoughts here is there any thing different in the intake runner of the #5 cyl.? also I have never been around a 250hp e-6 but 19 lbs. of boost sounds low to me, I know a e6 350 will do 28 -32 ish, so do you have a cooler issue? also did any one pre oil this engine before installing the pan to verify that #5 cooling nozzle is performing correctly? also did you check the rocker arm travel on #5 verses the other cyl's? i'm thinking bad cam lobe on the intake could cause it to run hot of not getting enough air.
  9. is it a Vickers pump? if so try them.
  10. was hoping someone on here had used one of their kits, I've had mixed results with PAI stuff, the engine kits seem to be good but the drive train stuff I've worked with was less than stellar I just stole the pump off my core engine for now, but want to either rebuild the old one or replace it .
  11. what two case machines? i've had good luck with them (granted not cat they would still supply parts for my old d4 7u) but I can still get most parts for case machines that are late 60's and up. I am not a fan of the new CNH parts prices! but still much better than Deere (both price and product)
  12. Ya at 6'8" and a r model cab you are asking for a broken neck! At 6'3" I hate to see a bump in the road cuz I know its going to shorten my spine! as for the e9 they are awesome ! and so are the part prices.......and I don't mean awesome in a good way when talking about parts!
  13. Is mack still supplying a water pump ? or is this a pai deal? If so, has anyone used the pai (good/bad?). I noticed that I'm loosing coolant at the bottom of the water pump hsg, so I pulled it out and noticed the weep port location and said CRAP! I need to start hauling fruit next week. Any input guys?
  14. simply replace the engine with a pre electronic e7
  15. if they need any help loosing any of those e9's I would be willing to help the cause!
  16. we had to run mud locks on our tailgates to keep them from blowing open when we would hit a bump, depending on the style of belly dump gate I would guess they would have to do the same,
  17. should work, it doesn't etch window glass .......not quite sure how you get it out of the stress cracks ?
  18. only got to work on a wagner never got to play with one......in the logs any how.....sure was a beast of a machine!
  19. that would be a sight to see 48 feet at once WOW, I worked at Pane Field in Everett Wa. in 92, we were building a flight line expunction for Boeing put 40+ acres under concrete we used a walking form setter and did I believe 20' panels. we had a portable batch plant set up about 7 miles away and hauled the mud in 3 axle dump trucks 5yds. at a time and just dumped the mud in front of the machine and then they filled the gaps using a cat 950 loader to keep it tight to the machine. coming straight from the farm at that time it was pretty awesome to watch.
  20. glad to hear all are ok, I probably would of had a Hahn /van combo and had my foot buried in the throttle screaming you dumb son a bitch wanna try that again?
  21. if anyone finds some out in the north west I would be interested in a set as well, since henderickson changed the price on the ar2 conversion from 6k to 16k
  22. tooo soon for the "Port hole plugger"
  23. never fails ....... throw out some good looking meat..............and some lizard shows up
  24. all things above can cause this issue as well as a worn release yoke and a out of tolerance front bearing retainer . fought with a mack 12 sp. for hours before discovering a excessive amount of material had been removed on the bearing retainer by a reman outfit. over thickness clutch brakes are available to help correct for excessive flywheel machining . in the case of the reman trans I had to put two clutch brakes in it and grind the facing off of the mating brakes to make it work right. ( the truck had a drop axle, and the trans and all the extras were in place or I would have pulled the trans again to fix properly)
  25. hell I don't think we've mud flinging yet, (more like dust off the dirt road) I think the 4 wheel burnout in the mud pit still lies ahead! and I think killiary will be on the receiving end of the flinging (fingers crossed) she has generated so much mud I would love to see her drown in it!
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