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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. Randy, the kit was for the pumps built after 78, but I did forward the kit along, so it will be used. thanks again for getting that to me, i've lost 20 lbs walking to the mail box looking for the pony caps your beer money is waiting on those caps
  2. yes! the truck was upgraded in the mid 90's the 500 gal steel tank was traded for a 700 gal. poly so no issues there! the rest of the truck is great, no rust only 19,000 miles and 850 hours on the eng. The investment has gone up more than I would have liked, after replacing the transfer valve, valve sleeve and bushing, rebuilding 6 apparatus valves and reconditioning 3 more the purchase price has been exceeded at least 5 times........good thing I got a deal on it!
  3. well the ole girl is getting closer to coming out of retirement and going back to work, just a few small details left like changing oil in the pump transfer case and rear axle and trans. still have to do a vac. test on the valves but I'm sure it will go well after rebuilding all the valves.
  4. well the 95633a is as close as I can find, but still not a direct replacement this new one is only a 3/4 mounting hole size the original is just under a inch also not sure of the working amperage of the factory sw.
  5. haven't yet , time zone issues! tried using online catalogue and sourcing thru napa could only find the case style which is (d) but was unable to find any switches in this configuration. thanks for the links I didn't see them when looking online!
  6. hitting a wall trying to replace the cole hersee cut off switch on the dash, best I can tell the part # is 81087424, but it goes nowhere in current parts books. the truck is a 76 cf600 and this cut off switch is a lever style on-off switch and has three terminals on the back with like a 10-32 screw to attach wires to. it is used to enable all dash functions. any help would be great Rob.
  7. you need 60 psi or better to release the (retract) the park brake spring, then the rod should retract into the lower chamber(making the red area) go away. if that does not happen you may have went the wrong way when adjusting the slack adjuster and have it (locked in the released position) remove the clevis pin and release the park brake and let us know if the rod traveled into the can.
  8. Paul. what am I looking at on the steam roller at the bottom of page 1, is that a air operated grade bar and scarffer attached to the rear with gauge wheels?
  9. Nice hand work! and welcome to BMT if you think their is not very many shows around Walla Walla try Tonasket I would have to go to Canada to find one within 150 miles of me.
  10. wish I could be there this year, but I have my own mud to play in this year. Rain+ cherries= lots of tractor driving and helicopter fuel burning
  11. 90-110 bushels is great in that area 70-80 is avg. 60 miles west of the Palouse dry land yields are closer to 45 bushel/ ac. Irrigated wheat can run as high as 165/ ac,
  12. Kinda nice to see a story on here from my neck of the woods! and to see Swannak's mentioned is cool too, I was in FFA with one of their sons (Art) but the areal photos don't do that chunk of the state any justice! its much steeper than it appears. R,A, Hanson Co. made hillside kits for J.D. and IH combines that would allow them to level to 50 degrees (if memory serves correct) and many a scary rides were taken on the slick stubble . the top soil in that area is unreal ! up to 17 feet deep in places and solid basalt under it,
  13. G M C ...............eh, Gets Mechanic Cumming! ..............if only that was what it stood for
  14. hope you had a good b day! did you go out for dinner at the winnfall diner? ........ok sorry to make you throw up a little. Still working on the hot sauce you sent.......a little goes a long way!  

  15. geezzze I just spilled my can of compression ............cuz I stepped on my tube of deck height while watching how to replace my blinker fluid!
  16. have a monometer test done to check the blow by, it could also be air compressor related or possibly a turbo shaft seal on the compressor wheel side
  17. yeppers .............I would try some heavy walled floats................and maybe ...............2-3 drop axles
  18. try the dash dimmer switch
  19. as the warning sticker sez.......................drive line damage may occur !
  20. I don't know 4 sure on that trans, but take a look on the top of the trans, for a 2 wire switch. it should be in line with the shift rails. and should "close" when placed in "Rev".
  21. I never knew Jonny Cash worked on the bus line!............I just thought he was on the Cadillac assembly line.
  22. Lots and lots of ice............use it too cool the Coors!............ then set the can on your knee between drinks if that don't work try whisky! good luck Mike they do take time to heal, they used cadaver parts to put my left knee back together and it turned out great.........hope you like riding stationary bike and stair climber.
  23. after loosing a million + acres around here in the last two years the only advice I can give is, don't expect the government forces to do anything to help save anything! the best defense is farmers taking care of farmers!
  24. if he has work boots, I'll bet a grand that they have never been laced all the way up!
  25. So..........that's how eastern Montana got flattened out
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