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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. only burns 400 gallons a day !....... thought it would be bigger actually , but I could sure have fun on it for a day !
  2. should have taken pics of our Rd's we had two short drivers so I had 2" x2" zip tied to both the throttle and the brake pedal. I would get in the things to drive them in or out of the shop and my knees where around my ears !
  3. I'm with Ranch hopper on this one ! I think the driver was a little too pissed of when he started "school" for the 4 wheeler and took him a little too far up the road to clam he didn't see him ! I schooled a few in my younger days when driving dump truck around Seattle. I would pinch them against, the guard rail for a few hundred feet when they would merge between the truck and trailer, they would claim that they never saw that "blinking" light on the trailer tongue!
  4. its just missing the "B" between the L and the G and a rainbow decal !...........ya I know way off topic for this form but shoved down our throats daily !
  5. just think 40 years ago when we seen the letters we L G T we thought lawn garden tractor ! .........boy how this country has changed
  6. not in my area, most old log trucks around here had a loader mounted on them if there was any life left in the truck after the bunks came off. The others got scraped out to keep the others running or became water or dump trucks, I think they wrecked around 8 of them this past winter within 80 miles of me,and not just fender benders .......WRECKED!
  7. looks like its home sick.......send it back I will take it ! I can keep my superliner company and they can tell each other "woods storys" all those budd wheels look out of place in the land of spokes !
  8. that's in Mowerman's back yard !
  9. a litter of pups.......well ok big dogs ! when a bitch gives birth it's called a litter! well at least here in the states that's what we call it !
  10. its about time some one caught up to Washington state !
  11. I've seen better stuff in the junk yard ..........where did you ever get that truck.....um I mean skidder ! well on the plus side it will stay in reverse, so you could "back it thru the hog pen and into the yard" ......just watch out for Frank, and petrified pine cones!
  12. that haul road looks awesome ! .....been rut surfing here for two weeks after the frost came out , ready for some firmer terra firma ! ..its been since the winter of 96 that we had snow on the ground that stayed from thanksgiving ! good luck on the dry out ! logging here is mudded out starting last week.
  13. well hope everyone is safe, as far as the hood goes my 89 has the rollers in the upper corners, if you P.M. me a phone # I will send you some pics. that will save me 20min of screwing around trying to load them here.
  14. what do you plan to do with the truck? that will dictate what you need to do to the trans. if you are going to pull 80k better fix it right, if its going to run 2 miles a year thru the local parade well that's a good cleaning and several diesel flushes away from fixed. if some thing in between better glass bead the gears and replace any damaged bearings., the rear ends probably look about the same as well. better check the wheel bearings too !
  15. I will beat Yardo to the punch line........Nothing drips like a Deere !
  16. Swift drivers must feel better about themselves after watching this! ,,,,,,or Frank Drummond was their driving instructor ! Reminds me of face book now days just with a swift rig instead of a ford ltd.
  17. the other variable is how consistence the valve seat width is, the rebuilder may of had some fat seats which will wear in slower than narrow seats, the other thing is if the rebuilder reused push rods and put them in different places than their original locations the wear patterns will give a false reading when the overhead was first done then as the scrambled parts" lap " into their new counter parts the adjustments can be erratic .
  18. I would get the axle # and then start hitting the bone yards, my guess is the difference is as Swishy said, in the spider its self, I doubt that Mack used a different jig to weld the retaining ring onto the axle housing I would suspect that longer bolts were used on the alum. spider to attach it. if you were to put a straight edge across the mating side of the spider and then measure the off set to the edge of the anchor pin boss I would bet that the steel and alum. are the same (this would mean the brake shoes will ride in the same place in the drum)....provided the retainer ring is commonly welded in the same place on ether a steel or alum axle tube.
  19. I would bet that it has a e9 under the hood, it looks to have been spec'ed as a lowboy tractor , don't see a government agency opting for dual exhaust on a 6 cyl.
  20. had a "lectric" fencer called a "King Sting" that s.o.b. was brutal ! you didn't even have to touch it, It would bite you from a few inches away we had it on a division fence between two 20 acre fields, well one day I got an irrigation pipe latch caught in the wire, not wanting to make a 1/2 mile round trip walk to unplug it I thought i've got rubber gloves and boots on I can do this........after getting stung 6 or7 times I made the1/2 mile long walk to turn it off then the 1/2 mile walk to turn it back on again cuz the only thing worse than its bite was the ole mans if the cows got out !
  21. looks like at least a 450 hp. 3408 , maybe he doesn't want that much for the truck, but knows what cat charges for 3408 core parts ! last time I checked 10 years ago a crate 3408 was 46k by its self.
  22. In order to find a story line as funny as these old movies, Swift would have to give a movie producer their accident logs
  23. My favorite parts of that movie are that scene ,and the anti air craft gun and the wife trying to save the stuff in the house while looking down the gun barrel. The opening scene with Slim Pickens staggering around was good for a laugh as well, HOLLYWOOD ! and then Belushi looking at the map while flying and see's the wall thru the hole in the map had me laughing my ass off as a teenager watching it for the first time !
  24. Too far some where,..........but it wasn't north. They always have b&g at the ones in the north west!......now if you could just get beer served with them !
  25. well if you are handy with a magic marker.............
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