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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. damn it ! that was only 80 miles away from me.........and I missed it
  2. nice set up with only 300 clicks !....don't bring it by me or I would want to stretch it and add a tandem to it
  3. well that's better than the 3408 with the water cooled cam shaft, had two different 3408 eat holes in the block and lose water into the cam area. liner fix is much easer than a block replacement!
  4. don't know this for sure but, could their have been different trans mount brackets for the 12 sp.? that would drop the back of the engine lower. since we dump trucked all of our trucks had the 12sp. so I never came across this issue but had valueliners thru rd688s to superliners all 12 speed and the cab sat no higher than our mixers with the other vocational trans (cant remember the model now)
  5. is this in an older R model ?.....if so i'm thinking your cab power relay is faulty and power is being back fed some how when the truck is running to make the alarm work. to check remove the ash tray and check the large terminals on the solenoid to see if both have power with the key on.
  6. no...2020 is wide open ! .........just stating that the country is losing two circus's in 2017, so it would have been difficult to join either one
  7. well I guess the superliner will have to wait.........wish I had a spare 20k to blow on a spare!
  8. Yah........either one .....Ringling Bros. or the Obummer white house
  9. that wage also includes free housing and transportation
  10. thanks !
  11. does anyone know what the h2a rate for Minn. or N.Y. or Pa. is ? just curious as to how things compare.
  12. spokes or budd wheels? could be wrong wheel spacers if spokes. have you string lined the side walls to see if the axles are off or if one is wider than the other.
  13. single frame trucks? if double framed might be easiest to cut and splice
  14. you may have to remove the cab shell over the jump seats if it is like my cf, not sure you will be centered over the balancing point of the engine if pulling just the engine I would use a svc, truck boom crane or gantry crane set up. measure carefully you may also need to pull the radiator to have enough room to get off the trans. input shaft.
  15. just found out our new wage schedule for H2A farm workers in Washington state for fruit work will be $13.38/hr. starting next month. I need to go to work for my self ! ( state min wage is 10.47), I'm struggling to find enough workers so I am looking into the h2a deal, if I go that route, any other employee I have also goes to 13.38 while I have the contracted workers here ( so the high school kids that help during cherry harvest will also get 13.38 ) pretty good wages for riding a 4 wheeler! the scary part is if I agree to the contract period 90 days and X amount of hours I must guarantee 75% of the contract ( still awaiting acts of god info) to see if I would still have to pay? must also pay trans to and from Mexico plus housing and then weekly trans to and from groc, store A H2A employee could never be a truck driver, must have a 100sq. ft. of living space and 50 sq. ft. of sleeping space! no wonder we are trying to automate as many facets of agriculture as possible!
  16. I would guess he had jackknifed at some point and took out the air line and pig tail, then got escorted to a safe pull out!
  17. as mentioned before test the charge air cooler and all related components
  18. if memory serves me right same as cat 950f power plant, good service, not a power house, modified Detroit diesel fuel system- but only cat has the tooling to set the rack.
  19. Vlad, a buddy of mine is building a waste oil fired boiler from scratch for his shop, he used the burner from a old waste oil furnace then built his own core from sch. 80 pipe, then punch pressed the headers, I will try to get some pictures when I go back to his shop.
  20. in the early 90's caterpillar reman turbos were not worth taking out of the box, put 4 on a 3304 in one week!.....on the up side....... the retaining nuts came right off for 3 of them
  21. I would like to put my 24 ft goose neck stock trailer on a ridgeline............NOT!
  22. lets just say that.......... said actress and I don't get along (regarding alar ) and her big mouth in 199i, she cost our valley Millions of dollars, farmers took the blow back, when it should have been the Dept. of Agriculture ! Couldn't figure out how to post the article from face book but if your interested : NEW YORK TIMES "Apple growers bruised and bitter after alar scare " by Timothy Egan published on 7/09/ 1991
  23. that sucks ! I would be on the phone with the rebuilder (temper in check) and see if they will help you out, quite a few good rebuilders will attempt to help a guy out as they don't want bad reviews posted all over the internet,
  24. did this happen? .......YES! should this have happened .....NO ! was this one of Trumps better moments NO! Should this be rehashed ?.....I don't think so! The left will only capitalize on the event and drive the wedge a little deeper,....... we need to move on and get this country back on track! as for the incident I would hope Donald reaches out to this guy in the near future and makes this right with the man! ( charitable donation or such in the mans name) He needs to learn that he can no longer converse as if he is telling a story to his golf buddy at the 19th hole !
  25. If you broke down the nutritional value of a bureaucrat It would be something like this Calcium.................0.3% this product only contains a fraction of your daily needed Calcium, since this person has no back bone your diet will be lacking! Manure ...............0.97% This product has EXCEEDED the maximum yearly allowance of B.S.(Caution do not consume entire contents in one meal) also do not consume the skull of this animal, as this is the most densely concentrated area of manure !
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