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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. alright alright enough already , ill get to work on getting a passport so I don't have to live through pictures. very nice iron hope to see it in person next year.
  2. santa rosa under the forums section scroll down till you get to "site related topics" then follow the directions. then click on site related topics it should be the first listed posting.
  3. Mark: very cool! I to have our farm and misc. tractors,trucks, and cows pictured and referenced in our local book the history of whitestone. it makes a guy kinda proud to see the family reflected in story and in print along with captioned photos......... that's not in the sheriff's blotter
  4. Corbo when working with a r12 system and adding 134 I have found that directions on a can are way over rated. what I do is watch the sight glass on top of the receiver dryer when it is mostly clear with patches of foam traveling thru you should be charged also keep feeling the return hose at the fire wall or compressor when it gets frosty stop. your warm moist air sounds like the evaporator is plugged or the condensation tray is full and the drain is plugged. since you said this is in a dump truck I'd start with a good cleaning of the evap. first ,then charge system. I think you will thank me for this info, I have found many a flannel mat covering the evap.core. good luck.
  5. guys thanks for getting me off the farm and driving me around ! funny how you can cover hundreds of miles and then find a good pic. right in the parking lot!!!!!!
  6. my 89 superliner shocks the crap out of me every time I get out of the cab, (ok It don't shock the crap out of me) but it is irritating as hell, any one got any fixes besides staying out of the cab?
  7. may the force be with you!................ I am quoting the right movie aint I ?.............I wasn't to into the whole star wars thing. or any other space sci-fi movie for that matter.
  8. I haven't been around any with any miles on them seem to be alright but I thought they were stiff shifting pricks as compared to a eaton/fuller. that's my .02
  9. haven't seen a scale ticket like that since I was moving the crusher for the paving co. I worked for. that load and 6% grade would make a e-9 bark!! the 13 letter shit spreader looks like it got lost in time some where, pretty clean little dozer. the weather looks like what we had yesterday ,windy some rain, more wind, some lightning ,some rain, repeat . Spokane recorded wind gusts to 67mph. thankfully no new fires yet.!!!!
  10. you did get that kilt off of the rear view mirror didn't ya, that could have been a dead give away!
  11. isn't that why us locals say B.C. means Bring Cash!
  12. sounds like your on the right track you definitely have a air leak on the fuel system you might also put about 7psi or less into the tank and watch for drips or sweating on the hoses or lines
  13. randy is the air coming out of the trans case or out of the shift handle exhaust line?
  14. may you find a place to dump an oversized load! enjoy your day!!!
  15. are the throttle and choke shafts still fitted? or are they wobbly? if shafts are tight the carb should be able to be kitted if memory serves the model of the carb is stamped in the mounting flange then a call or search should get a kit.
  16. just had another brush/timber fire take off at 3pm today about 8 miles due east of me, in less than a hour it had consumed over 300 acres, nice steady wind blowing it northeast not a lot of people threatened but lots of animals both wild and domestic. I guess its time to get the dozer checked out and fluids toped off. damn fire season started 3 weeks early this year, I just a little behind this year.
  17. my guess is e-6 350 but that's only a guess
  18. the sad part is the general will be cheaper to drive ! I 've got a 88 tbi 454 pulling a trailer its good for 4-7 mpg depends on flat or hills, empty it does about 10mpg your 2 wheel drive I hope is better.
  19. evidently Mike was watching the news and seen that whole FIRE STORM thing on the news, and was worried about us in north central Washington and thought with our mountainous terrain that the FWD would be the perfect tool to help us out. evidently the girls from the T.K. were in tow because they are experienced hose holders! Mike thanks for the attempt maybe next time. lightning storm forecasted for Wednesday night .maybe then we could use it
  20. Dave I hope things turn out ok, very nice collection of gulf stuff.
  21. as murphys law would have it when our county makes the national news it's no because we found a cure for cancer things a little better today 80f calm wind so far, and humidity is a little higher and the fire isn't being explosive yet. bad news is forecasted 30 mph winds later today nobody's resting easy, long distance phone lines are burnt up no atm service from banks or stores, some towns out of power and will be for some time, 5 miles of transmission line and poles fried! weather forecast says chance of rain in 3 days, not going to hold my breath. cell phones for Verizon customers like my self only have 911 calling . so my days are really quiet without the phone ringing all day long seems strange using a phone book again cause we all forgot our neighbors home phone numbers. keeping an eye on the sky gearhead
  22. what model is the ih ? I've never seen that one !
  23. the sumbitch went nuts last night over 48,000 acres over 100 homes fried and the town of Pateros is about gone, right now 10-20 mph winds and forecasted to accelerate as the day goes on ,and to top it off no cell phone service. Oops make that 168,000 acres now fried. for more info check out Carlton complex fire
  24. This is not a VOLCANIC ERUPTION!!!!!!!!!! this is a wild fire 40 miles south this photo was taken a mile from my house I have more but the phone needs to charge. sounds like 6 homes in the town of Pateros have burned, the hospital in Brewster is being evacuated, 3 state hwys are closed sr2 sr20 sr97 . I'm watching the news now and were under red flag warnings again tomorrow.
  25. must by why the kick stand is missing. the splayed frame keeps um from tippin.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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