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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. its days like that Tom that you go and buy a lotto ticket! or so I am told lol. it's a wonder that any of us farm kids have all of our body parts I know I was a SPECAL KIND OF STUPID! with too many close calls to document, sometimes I think the whole guardian angel thing must be true. I've walked away from things without a scratch that have maimed and or killed other people.
  2. Q.f. I looked on line and brown trailers was a division of CLARK EQUIPMENT CO. from 1940's-1970's they had multiple plants TOLEDO OHIO-MICHIGAN CITY INDANA-SPOKANE WA-READING PA. coach built. com is the site. hope this helps
  3. nice truck Tim, get them spokes off of it and get some budd's then it will look right!!! hahahaha...lol all this spoke talk I had to fire back with something!
  4. just an update the Chelan fire grew to 18,000 acres overnight slpwlker mile post 22 is where the 450hp e9 tried to eat a couple of rod brgs, thats the north side of the south summit before dropping off to Selah. wasn't a good day
  5. yes there are a lot of browns out west still
  6. if my math is any good its 8.5 gal. or 14.5 gal depending on filters/pan
  7. looks like someone had a good day! and glad to hear you could help with the education of those fine young things
  8. slpwlkr are you talking about 82 between Ellensburg and Yakama? if so I know that hill fairly well as I haul my apples that way to Selah, and yes at 100,000 it makes the e-9 sweat a little
  9. I've seen a lot of bolt on lining from the 50-60 vintage stuff
  10. welcome to the dog house!
  11. ain't it wonderful when people would rather text and screw off instead of pay attention to what the hell they are doing, removing a plugged rad and replacing with a more plugged rad. unflippin believable! did they have the janitor do the work. that store manager needs a ear full!
  12. Just looked at the long range (10 day) forecast o% precip. tomorrow the cool day of the week at 88f the local news showed red flag warnings and 9% humidity, this time next 103f with a overnight low of 70f its been 85f here the last three mornings by 8:30 am. already a 6000 acre brush fire burning 75 miles south of here in Chelan co. I think the ole American general m925 will be seeing some action!
  13. been drunk lots of times but not at the FAMILY REUNION! that leads to swift drivers !!!!!
  14. somebody call KANSAS FARMER we need a b train load of flour to find a wet spot on her, also a survey crew to map a path to it, also get YARDO on the horn I think we may need one of those tracked wheel chairs to transverse the cellulite .test pilot, we need a test pilot hhuuummmm cant think of any place with that much alcohol. gonna have to regroup.
  15. or orange with a black stripe with white skip strips and no one I know will get within 10 acres of a snider truck or decal it with swift decals that will keepem away!
  16. I'd be on the phone with the wrecking yard and the dealer at 250 degrees your gonna need more than a rad. soon it will be heads, pistons and liners the wrecking yard should of had it flow tested if not the dealer should have. get a inferred heat gun and shoot inlet and outlet rad. temps should get a 60 degree drop + or - also is the FAN INSTALLED RIGHT? wouldn't be the first time I've seen this done.
  17. WHEWWWWEEEEE.................that's gonna leave a mark!!!!!!!!!!!!............in some ones BANK ACCOUNT!!!!!!!
  18. running around salt lake and as much salt as you guys use and with charge air coolers being aluminum check to see if your getting air flow thru all components rad. charge air, and condenser. I'm betting your plugged!
  19. I think at this rate the illegal trade will be around for quite awhile.
  20. yep just under 18 million dollars a ton................ now I see why the cartel ....... do so well
  21. betcha you cant get my truck that clean! looks great let me know if you want to take me up on the bet. lol
  22. just watching the 6pm news and legal pot sales start tomorrow in Washington state the advertised price is 560.00 to 700.00 per oz. or 20-25.00 per gram. DAMN! if I could only sell a ton or two life would be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. the fan noise sounds like they either have loose belts, glazed belts or antifreeze covered belts if the fan runs at low temp and squeals. shut the eng off while fan is running, then turn key to the run position this should engage the fan clutch then grab the fan blade and see where the belt slips at. if belts are glazed some steel wool or wire brush should break the glaze if its anti freeze try rubbing alcohol. i'm not sure when you said truck ran hot today was the fan running? do you have a manual fan sw. does it work? is fan properly installed? is fan shroud in place?
  24. that little critter looks like it would be more fun than a van full of winfall wimmin!
  25. Ron is the trans cooler in the bottom tank of the old rad.? will the tank swap with wrecking yard rad.? I'm not sure what changed the fan clutch temps, bad ground perhaps? did the dealer change any senders? possible wrong or mispackaged sender?
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