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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. thankfully Kens transport don't adhere to those standards. but he don't produce a (White Trash Farmer) calendars so WTF?
  2. 5-600 is too low of a idle speed and should be speed up to 650-800 rpm. this will also help oil pressure, but a mack will be one of the least likely engines to have turbo problems as they have a higher oil pressure than some other eng. manufactures.
  3. what the hell? what type of judge lets them repay at 25.00 bucks a month. it should be at least 250.00 or they get their testies put in a vice for a period of time equal to min. wage and the duration of time needed to make restitution.
  4. Well we will be celebrating opening day of cherry harvest! festivities start at 4.30am and run until fruit core temp hits 80 degrees. festivities include bucket dumping, ticket punching, a 4 wheeler and forklift rodeo and a reefer loading competition. festivities should last 15 days or so. All unemployed able bodied persons are invited to attend.
  5. wouldn't you love to find the thiefing son of a bitch and take him swimming with all those chains and binders I guess not all is lost thou if they stole that stuff at least their planning on some type of WORK! I was starting to think hand tools and such were safe from the thieves as none of them would get caught WORKING.
  6. Way to go Ron that's some pretty nice bragging rights to make it to that level!
  7. watch out Ken those Amish coaches aren't air conditioned and smell like a horses ass, travel prepared!!
  8. looks great! I found it strange that this truck was ordered to be a dump and not have high mount exhaust
  9. ok today I found the truck owners son Tim, he runs the local saw shop I've known him for years. His son is near my age, anyhow Tim said I have a title for that truck, I sold it in 76 but never got paid for it. Long story short he said go get it and use what I can! and it does have a water retarder mounted through the drive shaft. I will post pics when I see the truck my self.
  10. was his last name Justice? as in Beufred T Justice? sounds like this guy would make Jackie Gleason wanna punch em in da mouth!
  11. Please keep your poor driving vacationers up north eh! thank you Gearhead PS please inform other steering wheel holders when state side left turn lanes are not PASSING LANES!!!!
  12. DAMN Dave that's a beaut.! the Keystone will look even better with that one under roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work Rob
  13. Ken it depends on which door I get to work!............LOL
  14. damn a guy fly's from one end of the continent to the other to take in a show and haul Ken around from point to point and now he's gonna charge admission to the trailer, WTF (White Trash Farmer) !
  15. I wonder what type of climax this is going to have after hitting the big stage?
  16. I'm fixin to do mine as well while back at mudcungie I found a vender selling used condensers and I bought a good used for a pinnacle I think but it looks like it will go in front of the charge air cooler and still have clearance for the hood / old grilldenser I think it is close to a mid 90's rd688 set up
  17. I too have had this affliction this week, while talking to a neighbor that used to drive log truck; was telling him about the A model I bought and needed a set of tandems for, dave says back in the late 70's I was logging up by turner lake and there was an old mack in the edge of the timberline and it had tandems, it also had a hydraulic drive line brake of some sort! well that got my attention so I made a few phone calls and bought a few beers and then today less than 2 hours ago I got the word that its still there! they just started a logging job real close, and the son of the guy that logged it in the 70's was driving truck up there to get his first load and found the old truck! he said the hood and fenders are gone but the rest is still there! so I talked to Kenny the guy who logged it in the 70's said he will contact the land owners and see about the truck and Jordan his son will check out the truck some more tomorrow!
  18. go to the scrapers they have no want for tires you might find what you need that way and for a lot less maybe bbq and beer swap!
  19. I thought Ken is the reason they are installing drive thru's but I doubt they get the window height right for the MH! that way he can still enjoy the down blouse shot!..........and the girls don't have to worry about him touching them in photos!!!!.................it's mostly a win/win deal.
  20. if you never want to RESTORE IT ,FLOOR IT! I wait until I hear all cyl's firing then increase idle usually not more than 1100 rpm until I see temp gauge moving past 130 then will start whole truck moving after 130 but no HARD THROTTLE until eng is up to full temp only exception is fire calls when i'm in ,were GONE.
  21. that o'l girl looks like she was used a lot when she was new. About as bad as mine when I got her. and about the same $
  22. the MT looks like she is still in her original work cloths, we had a M in the 50's here on the ranch they traded it for a 40 before I came along, nice to see one that is still used and not rotting into the ground! our 40 went through a fire and got repowered with a M engine, a friend of mine has it now to play with, when he's done tractor showing i'll get her back.
  23. and the appraisal probably cost a bill too.i wonder if a scale ticket and a scrap price per ton would work? the bastards already got their money when the truck was new!!!
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