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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. Ken's gonna need more Geritol , and gladhand rubbers if her wish comes true
  2. red is that the 2 wire or 1 wire sw. in top rad.tank?
  3. I talked to reddot about a year ago and 2300.00 I think was the price for a complete new system
  4. there were a few 475's out west but dependability was a issue, the twin turbo failures were just like the cat c15 failures guys got sick of buying turbos and a tuned up 400 would do the same work. the last one I saw was in a freight shaker in 1990 at valley freightliner in pacific wa.
  5. talk about a about face I think he could of been bipolar !
  6. cuz the dumb shop guy put the decal on wrong and in the mirror it read 6.31xam reliart thgieh (height trailer max)
  7. a bottle of penicillin I think would fetch more than either one of those lot lizzards
  8. I say fill power divider first, then upper compartment of diff, then axle housing.as far as the power divider goes I always try to engage while coasting at low speed. now lets see what the experts say!
  9. hey Randy I think some 2-stroke mix shorted out your keyboard that last posting is mezzed upp?
  10. I would think the dealer should be able to determine what parts are needed given current ratios and tire height.
  11. is the compressor fixin to throw a rod? as the eng. builds manifold pressure it makes the compressor work harder that would explain the increasing noise with manifold pressure
  12. Pawel: I sure hope you finish that truck before the folks over at the mental institution come haul you away! You must be crazy to attempt such detail in such a small model All kidding aside, looks great ........keep an eye out for a couple of guys carrying a large white jacket with lots of buckles!!!!
  13. too bad its on the wrong end of the world, I could use one to haul my pebbles around with, the quarry up the road had one repowered with a 6-71 and a 6 in. straight pipe loaded pulling a hill 130db. if it didn't wake the dead, it damn sure gave them nightmares !!!!
  14. hauling a refuge beer if you ask my taste buds
  15. I think maybe theirs a suburban hiding in that build, looks good even for a GM
  16. I need that bumper for my A model!
  17. congrats! but some thing is wrong with your camera, half of your pictures are black and white and the other half is in color!
  18. Ken: if you didn't hang out at the tilted kilt, chasing red heads you wouldn't need so much Geritol
  19. BULLHUSK: I'm lmao I would have loved to see that !
  20. S.hure W.ished I.F.inished T.raining yep I think he'll fit right in
  21. better a ride on a Detroit than a trip under a detroit
  22. kinda hard for truckers to reacquire a positive image with clowns like this out advertising HEY LOOK HOW FU@#$%# STUPID I CAN BE!
  23. the road I live on is about 3/4 of a mile long and had a 830 john deere on each end of the road for a while. one 3 cyl. diesel from the 80's and a 2cyl. diesel from the 50's. Yes trying to find a good parts person is like trying to find a honest politician !!
  24. they were waiting on the second wrecker when I took the pics, the road did not give way, this looked like he forgot he was pulling a trailer,
  25. and I thought I might do something stupid today! I hope this guys magic act includes removing his cranium from his arse! gotta admit making drivers float in thin air is pretty good!
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