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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. + 5 here glad the wind quit blowing! might have to find my winter clothes soon ! would like to have a little snow to insulate the ground, the dirt is plumb hard after an unseasonable amount of rain in nov, and oct. the cow pies are becoming speed bumps
  2. Have you found any sources for station grants ? I was checking with FEMA but as far as I can find out they haven't done any since Obummer took office, he sent the funds to home land security. I'm been working on a grant to get our hall reworked so the Cf will fit and get a concrete floor in the building so we don't get shut down for a unsafe structure, USDA will do a 75% up to 30k and any dept work is counted as in kind at prevailing wage.
  3. Damn B.C. if your Winnebago wheel holders cant scare them to death ........doubt much else will work! I know they make me want to learn how to fly!!!!
  4. Well this makes me feel better ! I thought we were the only poor outfit looking forward to running a 76 cf engine sorry to hear that a small station couldn't afford to operate and had to be shut down, we are currently working on annexing some more area so our dept. can stay afloat. if only the fire dept. could get the taxes that the library dist. does!
  5. is there a relay in the original system? thinking you may have a bad or intermittent relay issue
  6. ^^^^^ what he said!!
  7. feel like I'm back in trade school again after viewing that
  8. do you have the books that came with the truck?, if so check out the brake systems section and see if you have instructions. then if you still have questions once we can identify positively what brand you have , I'm sure one of us could help you!
  9. Does the 446 and the 549 share the same cast parts? I have never come across the 446
  10. where to start? teenagers limit stereo levels to 80 db. so they can hear sirens! also disable the texting function of their phones, damn near hit out neighbors daughter this summer while moving a swather up the road (she was staring at her phone when she passed me and didn't even look up to see I'm 12 wide) Went to Seattle the first of November while traveling I 90 the wife and I saw 4 new Thomas school busses being delivered, two were driving on the fog line the other two were over the centerline none of them had a safe following distance and all were staring at their phones. the wife being a ex school bus driver was going out of her mind! I just wanted to get by the accident before it happened. I view talking on the phone no worse than jawing on the c.b. each one takes your hand off the wheel, and distracts you to some extent, but I can still see the mirrors and the road ahead and if the need arises you can set the phone / mike down and deal with what ever issue, the texting and face booking + whatever else is in my eyes is wrong if you are driving on a occupied roadway.
  11. article I , section 9 was most likely violated by the Clintons if Wiki Leaks is correct in the "pay to play" discovery ! As for the Trump family I don't see a easy answer, it could take years for them to dump the assets, and the left will always find some connection to anything he does as POTUS that could benefit the Trump brand if he does nothing about the assets. As Rowdy said to force the family to loose their legacy would not be proper either.
  12. can't fix stupid I suppose BC Mack can't fix stupid I suppose BC Mack the damn pedestrians drive me nuts ! as I live in a small town. no lights just marked cross walks. they walk across talking on their phone or texting staring at their feet and then stammer around not indicating what way they are going next! so just as you get a break in traffic and start to move they decide to start crossing in front of you .......then look at you like you are the problem. it used to be a person would look at the driver of the first car in the lane you were crossing to make sure they acknowledge you, then proceeded to cross, not anymore! you have to guess what the f____k these idiots are doing. I guess they don't watch the news either or they would know how many of their type get flattened every day!
  13. Thanks for the reply, it may help the next guy! ....too new for my help
  14. maybe its just me but I have noticed that cars that are either charcoal, gray, silver or golden bronze in color are most likely to drive with out the lights on ! they are also the same color to match the road surface or the horizon during poor weather, and now that every thing is colored plastic you can't see a chrome grill or bumper to help highlight the car. if only we could show them a picture of how the vehicle blends into its surroundings maybe they would decide being seen could save their life.
  15. I was 21 and was working at the local apple warehouse and was tuning up a 290 Cummins, I was real meticulous about keeping ports plugged with shop rags to avoid debris and tools out of where they don't belong, any ways long story short I left a rag in the cross over pipe. I fired her up and all was great! ....then BANG BANG BANG KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK ...then PATHOOY what looked like huge carbon flakes started spewing from the exhaust the engine smoothed up and ran fine, the shop foreman rounded the corner just in time to see the black lint rain that was drifting around the shop and wanted to know what THAT STUFF was...........not one of my better days
  16. Well I wont speak for Truck Shop, but what I got from his post was truck collecting is more user friendly than the muscle car deal, wore out trucks bring wore out prices, rusted out muscle cars are thought to be one step away from Barrett Jackson prices. What I get from rebuilding old iron is the satisfaction of doing it all myself, is it perfect no! but I can laugh about what I screwed up. The 1% can pay to have it all done by pros. never touch any thing but the door handle and the gas cap, and brag about "their" car......If I had unlimited resources I would probably only farm out the sand blasting of stuff, I enjoy the rest of it too much, even if I'm cussing half the time!
  17. O.D. your tolerance level is much greater than mine .......your co driver wouldn't have liked where I would have parked his trailer You could have brought that load of posts to me, I'm sure I could find a use for them, ..........I'm rethinking my letter to Santa ........ I think I want the contents of a gt r thanks for the road trip. I would have posted mine but it was a gray, snowy, foggy type of day.
  18. so did they run the numbers to see if any of the stuff was stolen ? or do you get to keep it as payment for having to clean up the mess. I bet Other Dog could photo chop some winfall wimmin into the squatters camp to make everyone feel better about the day!
  19. nothing you couldn't have fixed with a torch
  20. we had one rd 688 late 80's or early 90's that had disc brakes, we couldn't find pads locally so we changed it over to shoes and drums from a wrecked truck. so I didn't get to play with them much.
  21. I would guess this truck was in some type of explosive environment, and these fans worked like a blower on an inboard boat engine. the flywheel blower would prevent an explosion when the starter was engaged and the engine one would remove explosive fumes from the engine block.......but that's only a guess !
  22. I would try a little grease on the spider to see what's catching! you can clean the grease off after you see what the problem is.
  23. joe it will be a long ways away but Hauff wind machines in Yakama Wa. should have one or a 392.
  24. ok, the big port in the center should be sucking ......the smaller port(off the outer area of the turbo) should be pushing air. (not trying to be a smart ass) just making sure we are on the same page!
  25. I will know if my phone is ever hacked! they will commit suicide upon seeing some truck, cow, crop and tractor photos as far as getting real info, I don't use the phone in that capacity, just a phone and camera every so often I will google some info (parts or diagrams) unless a rancher or farmer hacks me all they will get will be spam to them!
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