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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. DAMN! but that's not right if you didn't turn black and cut up your fingers. hell anyone with cash could get that done. You can bitch twice as loud when you did it your self, and some one screws it up. can you tell I'm jealous.
  2. Does it matter? I bet the grill will have a oil/grease slurry dripping from it, so it would be hard to tell it apart from a green machine!
  3. yes will have a car, was thinking to and from the T.K.
  4. HOPE TO SEE ALL AT THE KILT IN A WEEK FROM NOW! Roger and my self (Rob) hope to be there between 7-8pm. till? Ken does the Hawthorn run a courtesy van? I need the wind to quit blowing here so I can bale hay and spray the cherries, or I'm going to be way behind.
  5. its tits tires or TRACKS you guys keep forgetting TRACKS!
  6. the driver finally got a good view of the chute on the right side too bad he didn't make the jog site I don't know if the driver was on the phone with the plant manager, or with his proctologist either way I'm sure it was bad shit!
  7. welcome to the dog house!
  8. the articulated mixer chassis when did mack do this? looks like a little more engineering on the hinge area is still needed lol
  9. call all cast inc. Tacoma wa. (253)531-7711 they specialize in cast head repair they my be able to find a cast specialist near you, if freight is too great from where you are.
  10. I'm with superdog the LT must have been modified for lower cab temp or ? tired of opening the hood?
  11. steering shaft u joints need to be out of phase or the wheel will pulsate when turned. or so I was taught.
  12. I'm voting R mod. I think It's too flat to be for a older truck, my .02
  13. B.C. I wish I could LIKE your post but I cant. I CANT LIKE ANY DAMN THING ABOUT IT. except the part that makes B.O. look like a bigger idiot,.didn't think that was possible
  14. I think there trying to take the focus off the post office and the term "going postal" Now it will be truckers gone "terminal"!!! all it will take is a 4 wheeler screwing up and the big ass wreck that will happen because no one can leave room for safety and then the press telling all the world that a 18 wheeler took out a family.
  15. that is WAY UNDER PUBLISHED if only more people could look up from their phone and see the real picture
  16. milk man how did they route the hoses? if they have loops or high arcs you could very well have trapped air in the hoses. its damn near impossible to force air down hill, and no more oil that is used between boxes vs. the length of hose this could be it.
  17. Yardo will be up all night doing calculus trying to figure out why that thing isn't laying on the drivers door. with the cab offset and the fuel tank on that side plus the photo shows no kick stand! so if any one see's yardo please get him some coffee!!!
  18. did they build the hoses from areoquip or strataflex hose? if so its easy to screw up the inner rubber liner, I'd say flow test all new hoses it might be something stupid, or miss ported lines.
  19. Sweet thanks for posting, damn I wish we had a real fire hall, yours looks nice!!!!!!
  20. have you seen their car hauler diamond t, they must inject raw diesel into the exhaust side of the turbo, its a never ending smoke trail
  21. when and where? that would be great to do
  22. VERY NICE now you are going to shame me into a new front bumper for my 713.
  23. two stack I would love to see the Diamond T if you can get pics.!!!
  24. Ken wait till the neighbor goes to work and then remove the one from his motorhome! a pair of side cutters and a wrecking bar should do oh and a 5/16 dowel to plug the fuel line. just my .02
  25. Baby Mack: thanks for the correction, I knew id probably get it wrong with out going out to the truck and checking. Jack: block wheels and release tractor brakes then back off the slacks on the maxi axles, mark the push rods and then apply the park brake you should have more than 2" of rod travel. if less than 2" with loose slackadjuster clevis pins either spring in can is broke or dirt and sand is built up in the can behind the push rod.
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