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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  2. car 54 where are you?....... get over here right NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I think the one stick 12sp. is what I have the deep reduction is air shifted, instead of the extra lever you never use
  4. for safety get it even !for align. don't matter.
  5. scott you need what I believe is called a three pole double throw switch one pole will go to the gauge,one will go left tank and one right tank. since the switch is double throw it will connect say left tank to gauge then when switch is moved right tank is connected to the gauge hope this helps
  6. when I crack a beer later tonight I will say thanks to those who gave all! and for those who gave some... THANK YOU!!!!
  7. 41 you have to go to fleet sales to find a "work truck" as they call them.my 06 I couldn't get with manual 4x4 in a f350 pickup but got what I wanted in a cab and chassis f350.
  8. looks just like my 06 f350 with real mirrors and a 4cyl. cummins
  9. ok never seen wood that small used for pulp.
  10. are they fire wood loggers? why in the hell would you buck them into 4 ft. chunks, I don't understand!
  11. if I understood the article right I think that a few private investors would fix this problem and just maybe reinvent the banking system as it should be! wouldn't it be great to get rid of these monster banks that don't help any one except them selves!
  12. thanks Barry, couldn't stand seeing these future govt. employees at my happy spot!
  13. welcome to the dog house Mud flap, hopefully you don't catch too much crap or spray!
  14. Mike: might have to take you up on the batt. cover will get in touch once I get this thing home, might have to add to the shopping list. Just thinking about other old trucks and don't ever remember other single screw trucks with a factory double frame. was this a common mack thing? Mike also do you know the starting serial number was for the A series or were they by year ? this one is 1620 and does the S stand single axle ? again thanks for all the help guys!!!!
  15. you drive it you pay the bills enjoy the damn thing, if that means more lights then add them JUST DONT START DRILLING HOLES ALL OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. sounds like they bypassed the pump idle switch and the driver used a on/off switch to run the brake with that said with the switch on and the dash sw. on hi do both solenoid have power ? then check low. you may have a damaged hi\lo sw. with low setting bad.
  17. other than making metal fender liners I think the bed liner is probably your best bet just my .02 worth
  18. Joe: the aux is divorced and either a 3 or 4 speed aux. Mike: how many A54 do you have, and do you have a battery compartment cover that can be copied? and yes its a big gas pot all I found was a thermodyne tag on the valve cover. mustta been a fuel hog it looks like it had 3 tanks 2 saddle mount 1 cab
  19. sorry don't know what the hell I did but here's one pic.
  20. well before rattle snake season gets into full swing I guess I had better go get this thing. besides the battery box cover the other thing I saw was missing was the bull dog, oh well I guess trucks 5 miles from home wont always be perfect !
  21. naw he got it for staying with it threw a menstrual cycle!........... that's a little tougher than 8 sec. of playing with some farm animals!
  22. ok smart phone has whooped my needle brain cant get pics to post the id tag says A54S 1620 truck has dents and dings but no bad damage. Gas pot 6cyl. main and aux trans. didn't play with to count gears, but levers move, bad news is rear axles pulled.air brake single screw rear double frame both frame and cab good as far as rust just a little in the floor.
  23. guys am I thinking right (now don't be that way!) didn't a R late 80's value liner have the same step arrangement, but with a welded bracket to the tank strap or am I thinking international or fright shaker?
  24. if I looked like that and lived in a basement you would hear a gun shot and it would be over! damn obamma voters !
  25. SKY HOOK YARDO................. YOU SHUDDA USED A SKY HOOK!!!!!! then you wouldn't have to clean up and fix so much
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