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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. I bet in 2014 both sets need to be readjusted
  2. could it be the "new" family truckster ? sheees ahhh beaut clark!!!!!!!!!
  3. now that's a new way to measure deflection between poles
  4. forget the kitty litter and cardboard........deck preserve is spendy and a fine mix of fuel and engine oil is about to be deposited on your deck GET A PAINT BRUSH OR ROLLER! rember if the winfall wimmin don't find ya handsome they should at least find ya handy!
  5. oops I meet pai not ipd
  6. try a different dealer or ipd
  7. welcome to the dog house
  8. B.C. if you ever get lost road trip'n on the queens hwy and find your self around the Nighthawk or Oroville boarder xing I will buy you a few pounders EHH!
  9. Vlad looks like you need to build a tow boom to put on the R and then go on a road trip!
  10. I keep having a reoccurring nightmare: That Dolly Pardon was my mother.................................. and she bottle feed me :blush:
  11. A cat 983? where have I been I thought they quit at 977. learn something new every day!
  12. it could but it would be most likely putting antifreeze and oil in the air system. again possible but not likely. it would require a cracked head and a very wore out compressor.
  13. I think to solve this you need to put a fuel pressure gauge on the supply line at the pump ( I would think that there should be a test port to use) if fuel pressure stays good then check out the throttle pedal. if it has a jake the actuator housing will have there name on it. have they been kited ? (maintainer/ overhaul kit) sounds like you either have a faulty solenoid or internal oil leak in the jake oil circuit
  14. BC you just need to drive to the other side of the Coquahaulia (or how ever you spell it)and then a little south to Osoyoos B.C. and you could enjoy 7-10 inches of precip. a year and then be close enough to have a beer with ya.
  15. Hell why don't we just parade a fleet of Mack trucks down to Mexico and load up as many folks as we can fit, then bring them back here and get them on public assistance ,then maybe obummer will figure he's got enough votes for the party too win and just maybe he will quit adding more shit (presidential orders) to the backs of us few still working!
  16. I need to go look at this in the next few days, the description sounds like a L series (I hope) a guy I went to school with has it and he's not a mechanic has it and was using it till rear end failed? pto still works but no move. what do I need to look for on the L series that is common to them? thanks in advance g.h.
  17. also look at the neg. cable clamp is it too small to go on the pos. post with out stretching it. just the opposite for the pos. if this checks out its neg. ground. look at your volt meter is it 12v or 24v also look at gen or alt tag for voltage spec. the starter solenoid where it bolts to the starter will say 12or24 in the mounting flange. also when you turn the key on if you have a amp.meter it will discharge if polarity is correct
  18. In a photo here somewhere I saw 4 electric mounted to a rad I think it was a pulling truck
  19. Sorry but I have to be the smart ass here since in the early 80's was famous for generic products I would have to add a bar code and then use your dot numbers across the bottom of the bar code BTW truck looks great even if it does have spokes
  20. forget about the 12 speed GO GET THE LOTTO TICKET!!!! don't waste good luck
  21. Vlad: thanks for the photos!, I found the road construction interesting the red and white (jersey barrier) blocks looks like what we would use to close a shoulder but we could never run opposed traffic without candlesticks (plastic tubes held in place by a rubber plate) between the lanes or barrels ( big orange garbage can sized containers held in place with 11-24.5 tire sidewalls) or at the very least orange cones but only during day light hours. With that said I would guess it don't cost over a million dollars to build a mile of road in Russia.
  22. I'd just pull covers and find the missing keeper can't believe it didn't drop a valve!
  23. Mike if you need a good laugh take that thing down to a quickie mart and then "select your crowd" and give the air starter a blast i'll guarantee you will laugh so hard that your eyes tear up! had 3 eculid r50 haul trucks with air start I would always wait to get our pilot car drivers close to the low bed when unloading then touch off the starter and the only thing louder than a 16v71 coming to life are 2 female pilot car screaming at you DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN ASSHOLE!
  24. how much cold weather work do you do with that unit? how much reverse work/ speed do you do? for me if doing a lot of severe winter work I would go 13 speed (cuz you always have a gear) if the air shift screws up murphys law says never in a good place! if you find your self pushing trailers as much as pulling them then the 12 speed is a gift from GOD! from a mechanics stand point the 12 speed is more of a bear to work with being triangular shaped and 3 piece. I will build adaptor plates for the trans jack because I don't like the thought of that big bastard on top of me! (don't trust the OTC arms)
  25. instead of the over/under double frame I think the inner/outer frame would be a better choice LOL looks like nothing was tight I see no airlines. drive shaft, or electrical cord
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