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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. the question is would we have known Waylon the way that we do if Buddy Holly had not been killed in the plane crash?
  2. Dang B.C. didn't realize you hung out with the upper crust types, is a beautiful restoration job but for 30g I would rather have a crate e-9!!!!!!!!!!
  3. enjoy your day!!!!
  4. dumb ass marketers, Mexicans don't BBQ the beans fall through the grill
  5. ECD you better get busy Macungie is only a month away!!!!!!
  6. a guys really gotta go to extremes to find more horse power than a e-9
  7. we had one of them on the Tonasket fire dept. 903 cummins 5 sp. 10ft, wide had a 4000 gal tank on it , kinda like a dog with a flea on its back.
  8. good thing Yardo got the plumbing disconnected, with that type of porn extra- extra small would be making an appearance about February
  9. the radio antenna can be found at a shucks or oreily's auto parts I got one for mine there dec.2012 for my r mod. have you tried lund directly ?
  10. I'd drop the drive shaft off the back of the trans and see what you get. if that is good then remove an axle shaft from each axle and run up to speed. sounds like a damaged rear end
  11. Have fun with the wedgie's I thought they quit making them in the mid 70,s but the American General 5 ton that I got for the fire dept. is a 86 and the rockwells still have the damn things
  12. STEP TWO Knock a axle out of each rear end and run truck up to problem speed , then start looking for the problem. STEP ONE Let me ask another question when this problem occurs if you push in on the clutch does the problem change rapidly? don't change throttle position just add and remove power with the clutch and see what happens. also are you sure it don't do this at lower speeds?
  13. what are you mixing? its too clean for any feed truck I've ever seen I'm guessing corn and grain. trucks in too good of shape for dry hay, potatoes, apple pumice, or grain screenings
  14. Back in black: what weight was the sled? what trans are you running ? I want to give it a try this summer at our pulls in town, I have a e9-500 mack 12sp, I'm guessing 2nd. over or 3td.dir.
  15. let me guess gotta keep turning the wheel in one direction!
  16. why why why why would any one build a dump truck and not use a mack 12sp.
  17. we wont ask ya any cold weather starting questions welcome to the dog house
  18. some fine ol'e iron ! things you don't see anymore is that a 530 or 580 in the other photo? our place was first farmed with an oliver crawler after the horses were retired.
  19. haven't seen any (then) and (now) restorations you might start a trend ! will only require half as much time and money to do
  20. I think there's 4 Scoopmobiles with in a 10 mile radius of me both 3 and 4 wheel. I can remember as a kid the state had one parked at every sand shed
  21. Stanly or Lufkin could have saved a big head ache in that last pic.
  22. A Taylor ? never heard of that brand looks like a cross between a fat alice and a condom (Trojan)
  23. tillering 101 follow the cab
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