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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. Yes very nasty stuff anhydrous has been used as a refridgerent in our apple storage rooms, long story short had a shell n tube condenser fail putting ammonia into the looped water side of the condenser, well guess who was in charge of removing the old loop system and was not informed of the failure, so at a temp of 95f inside the building when I cut thru the 6in. pipe holding the contamanated mix of water and ammonia hit the floor and again became a gas was not good. I hopped on the running forklift next to me and floored it with it pointed in the general direction of the door made it outside sat next to the building for a while trying to breathe normally felt like a big hose clamp around my chest, (not cool) had a few words with management about the whole thing, let's say they weren't ready to meet Jesus yet and I got better info. on what was being done!
  2. for us it was 1991 we had two e7 400 18sp. rd 688 dump tucks the electronic throttles were driving us nuts with throttle lag,and derated trucks that would just idle. at that time we could get t800 kenworths 425 hp cat,18sp. fullers and chalmers rear sup. at the same price as mack with a better warranty. prior to the k.w. we bought 3 new macks a year and made dumps out of them, would sell one and keep 2
  3. Enjoy your day !
  4. nobody had dry shoes for 5 days is what I see!
  5. lookin great don't forget to tac a bar across the top to keep it from pulling.
  6. Bob Seger, Waylon Jennings, Kentucky headhunters, Montgomery Gentry, Jayson Aldean, Gary Allen I think that's whats in the truck if you looked
  7. Yardo if you are any thing like me I was almost failing high school until I rebuilt a eng. for the principal and another for the athletic administrator that got me out of h.s. then on to trade school, no problems its amazing what you learn when its something you want to learn. As for college I spent 2 yr. in the class /shop and thought it was great, the on line advantage I think would be is you can skip the dumbasses that plagued the classrooms
  8. :SMOKIE-LFT:I think it needs a pump shop to show it some love, sorry I know you didn't want to hear that
  9. J & J logging in Tonasket had 5 w900 kenworths with the 1693 under hood if I remember right they were all 1976 model year, I think the last one got wrecked around 2000. They were nice trucks jet black with a big green arrow on the hood trimmed in red and said PUSSY POWER on the side of the hood not to many could out pull them in their younger days except a kta cummins or a buzzin dozen
  10. clean b model !
  11. KAHALL82 what is your complaint with the pump, erratic low idle? what is you idle speed?
  12. W T F = WAS THAT FARMER ? that's not what my brain was thinking!
  13. Happy Easter to all ! may your day be a great one
  14. if I remember right Terex also used the 6-110 in the scraper line as well
  15. I thought they were going to break the turn table bearing, they were mating so hard! how do you explain grouser bar marks on the top of the counterweight?
  16. does anyone know if Jacobs ever built a brake for the 110? I've never heard of one but I don't know everything. I ran a old mack 15 ton haul truck that was repowered with a 6-71 with a straight pipe 110db. in the cab 130db. out side. Can't even think of what a 110 with straights and a jake could do
  17. I'd take him to the vet and get em vaccinated for parvo don't need problems with the other pups!
  18. MM15 welcome to the dog house!
  19. my advice is work backward, pull application line at air can is air present ? if so go to relay valve remove control line from relay valve is air present ? if so chase control line to treddle valve. if coming from treddle valve is brake pedal moving freely? is plunger free to travel?
  20. welcome to the dog house. watch where you step !
  21. I think some tire guy had some bias steers he wanted to sell you!
  22. that will make a great project for someone, nice history too.
  23. Greg We have our share off bambi problems as well 2 years ago I grafted 4 acres of apples to a different variety and we had 4 young bucks show up and they wanted to undo the recent grafting so I contacted fish and game to get some shotgun cracker shells cause I ran out, and was informed that ATF wont allow them to be used any more so I was told to shoot 2 deer and make it look like a cougar kill and was informed to not salvage any amount of the kill or bad things will happen! if caught.
  24. I'm so thankfull mine dog has a single 3/8 x 9 backbone. about the only way I can find frames that bad is find a fertilizer truck or find a Canadian truck.I feel for ya.
  25. 14615 is a roadranger twin countershaft 15 speed trans actually its a 10 speed with a 5 speed deep reduction the 14 stands for 1400 ft.lbs. torque. and I don't rember what the 6 stands for.
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