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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. he musta been popped by dot cuz he's packin da boat not towin da boat!!!!!
  2. this was all caused by a video that insulted the Islamic faith. according to eye witness accounts a group of Islamic hitch hikers started jay walking and a fed-ex truck had to swerve to avoid hitting them thus hitting a bus for real that's what really happened no reason to look any were else.that the gods honest truth. There was a on board camera but it melted in the fire, federal motor vehicles department. is in charge of further findings. see any idiot can wright a story filled full of b.s. and hope the majority of the public digests this trash and say OK and move on to the next headline.
  3. I can not explain our rules to make them make sense, I can burn orchard pruning's with out a permit but if I remove the whole tree I have to get a permit to burn the tree. it' s unlawful for me to recycle old lumber into fire wood but its ok to haul it to the land fill. our local timber sales rep wont let fire wood logs leave the forest on a log truck, but any other type of truck is ok. so on some sales as many as 15 loads of wood logs are thrown back out into the brush to rot away. this is why I don't log I would dismember these idiots!!
  4. BROCKY what show is in Yakima? I know Mackdaddy also talked about Yakima but I've never had any knowledge of any show there. is it annual or does it rotate in the western states? Your diamond T would have been in good company with Geoff's diamond reo.
  5. Ron if it was me I think I would change it all over to n.p.t. you can always find that stuff, no reason to miss work over the odd ball stuff. napa should stock premade dot brake hose.
  6. yikes my chopper pilot wont fly at night, let me rephrase that my pilot wont hover over a crop once he has lost light, says faa frowns on that and he could loose his lic. I will use a chopper during cherry harvest, one or two untimely rains gets expensive quick!
  7. 90plow if you look at the last page that Rowdy Rebel posted the one titled AXLE TYPE is a picture of a limited slip diff. it works on the same theory as the power divider just side to side instead of front or rear. contact your local gear shop and see if they can get you one
  8. vision386: Mark I grow Honey crisp and Fuji's apples then for sweet cherries its Tieton, Early Robin, Skeena, Lapin, Rainier and Regina Vladislav: nada on the tire burning too many air cops in the valley, if we get caught burning lumber its bad news, burning of logs ok, just don't run them thru a sawmill. Please tell me your country hasn't got this stupid yet.
  9. 41 chevy: ya its nuts for you guys this year, this is about normal for us seams like when a full moon is upon us we have to frost protect. the frost alarm is just a part of life for the next 45 days or so. green dash: no we have to arrange to harvest the crop ourselves, cherrys are the worst because they don't store so I will have 50-70 employees for 2-3 weeks to harvest 20 acres the apples not as bad 6-8 employees for 3 weeks to harvest 8 acres. brocky: Geoff lives about 4 miles from me and yes he has some nice old iron and some not so old, he has done well and now has some nice toys "trucks" both of his petes are very nice "farm" trucks, his smaller internationals are nicely restored, and used in his operation. bobby j I'm sure theres some things you guys do that would make me scratch my head too! farmer 52 hey ken its your alter ego again lol we've been known to frost protect thru a blizzard ok not a blizzard but a squall or two we have to shut the wind machines down if the wind comes up, kinda scary even the towers vibrate really hard and a 12 foot prop isn't something you want to be close to when its fighting the wind, props can break, upper or lower gearboxes can blow or drive shafts will fail
  10. Ok the first and third pic. is a 25hp elect. thermostat controlled unit the second pic. is a ground drive 460 powered fan it will protect 5-7 acres the elect. ones are good for 1.5-2.5 acres I have 3 of the elect. and 3 of the ground drives 2 with 460's 1 with a 455 olds all ground drives now run on propane when on petro.gas they would burn 16 gal per. hour. propane is not as bad. but still smarts a little when the bill comes
  11. j hancock I'm sure they would like knowing it's "got a hemi" but I don't think that will make them sleep any better. the neighborhood sounds like a dozen helicopters all hovering overhead. bullhusk our food safety requirements wont allow any thing that leaks that much near food stuffs. however nobody would complain about the blade "chop" noise, they wouldn't be able to hear it over the 6-53 that is if you can get it started lol.
  12. I will try to post some photos when the sun comes up, but yes the wind machines are to stir up the atmosphere and mix the warmer air aloft with the colder air on the ground, then I also run water in the blocks to add (heat) to the air damn just got cold 25 gotta go start another 2 machines.
  13. frost alarm went off at 1:20 so I got up staggered around and temp went back up to 34 reset alarm and it goes off 10 min. latter says 29 so I get dressed and fire up the pickup to go check on things (cherry and apple trees) drive to upper bench of property and hear two electric wind machines running, so I continue to check on water systems, all's well with that. drive over to my cold spot and crank up the 460 ford on the wind machine,let it warm up as I continue to check on the last two blocks of orchard (there fine) drive back and pull full throttle on the 460 (the neighbors are now cussing me)drive back to the house check the weather on the lap top says the coldest spot in the county is 34, look over at the alarm it says 30, I sure hope my whole week don't go like this
  14. do you guys ever see these motorhomes pulling a full size pickup pulling a boat,or atv trailer or horse trailer? how in the hell is this legal? looks like a wreck looking for a place to happen!
  15. yep change of undies and then straight to the corner store for a lotto ticket!!!!!!!
  16. boy the Washington state dept. of natural resources can make a real red ford commercial. There is roughly 25 familys in the community where I serve on the local fire dept. The dnr has one a frame cabin there they use for a office building and they will have 8 pickups parked there, each one driven by one person. and the state cant find any place to trim the budget. w.t.f.
  17. maybe she was informed by a higher power. lol
  18. Hate to say it but it sounds like a exploded clutch disc.
  19. red light....what red lig..oohh shit this wont end well!!!!!!!
  20. Bob sorry to hear we lost a good driver, and yes it sure as hell don't surprise me that the info I got was wrong, its like news outta Washington D.C. never the truth the first 10 times you hear it, and a insider has to get the story right!!!!!!
  21. ether there is a hell of a lot of money in landscaping or that's a creative way to laundry money, ether way nice fleet, must be the only working fleet insured by Haggerty.lol
  22. looks like the Clampetts got a newer ride, don't blame you for passing them,
  23. ridged makes some spline drive extractors that are quite handy for this problem, they also come with drill pilots to keep the bit centered in the stud. a right angle drill will also be handy, the slower the speed the better.
  24. thanks for the drive, would like to have the rock bucket for my bobcat, I don't think that machine will ever use it again. lol also liked the ih tractor tune up, next time your lost at antrim diesel I need two e-9 rods so I can rebuild my spare!!!!
  25. that thing makes my secker ptand up, at some point I guess I will have to drive south and check it out
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