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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. figures, just replaced mine yesterday !
  2. have you checked the drain plug magnets? is it only in one gear? are you sure its a trans issue and not a rear end? (the sound will transmit up the drive shaft )
  3. ok, did you have the cam out? or the fuel pump off? have any of the front cover gears out ? I'm thinking possibly you are off by one tooth on the cam timing or fuel pump timing.
  4. mack parts I would think should have that info.
  5. they have 4....just double checking drivers side 1 on air tank under batt. box 2 on pass. side air tank under batt. box and one on the frame rail behind the trans on the drivers side. the air governor is on the fire wall passenger side.
  6. that's why we kill people! the cdl test should consist of a brake adjustment, and a drive test! none of the other stuff will kill anyone.... but no driving school is going to show them how its done! they don't want legal responsibility for having trained them........the gear head school of driving would be different, if you do not fully understand the brake system, you will never get to drive the truck.
  7. how much if you supply the empty beer can collection for raw materials
  8. we had a super 18 with air ride rears .....it likes to lay on its side every so often. the Ar2 doesn't have the internal rubber stop blocks that the raydan does, I was pricing one for my superliner , Hendrickson will no longer sell just the upper air ride conversion for the existing walking beams they now want 12k for the conversion, raydan was around 8600.00. Raydan claimed that for off road or on site overloading applications to deflate the bags and ride on the interior blocks. If I remember right they would allow an extra 12000lbs when deflated.
  9. well my .02 worth is the man seems to be well qualified in the common sense department, that puts him miles ahead in my book!
  10. the issue I was fighting was we ran 30+ dump trucks and pups with a lot of seasonal drivers (steering wheel holders) every so often I would have one who took a white knuckle ride would come in cussing me out about the truck having no brakes, and I would find auto slacks that wouldn't hold adjustment, one truck I replaced 5 adjusters before I would let it on the road again. The thing I don't like about them is drivers get lazy about checking "over stroked" push rods and thus miss the warning sign that they have a malfunction.....but to make the other point I have also had "drivers" adjust manuals the wrong way and had BAD THINGS HAPPEN TOO!
  11. also you can mark the push rod then release the brake and see how much rod travel you have.(should be 1 1/2" not too exceed 2") if properly adjusted once released you can unpin the clevis (make sure wheels are chocked) and back off the slack adjuster to get room for your hand to grab the slack adjuster arm then stroke the adjuster and look for freedom of movement in the drum of shoes, rollers and pivot pins (anchors) and the S cam. repeat on the other side . then readjust the brakes turn adjuster until firm (shoes should be in contact with drum surface) then loosen 1/2 turn. You could also have a faulty air valve remove the air hose from the air can ( the hose closest to the push rod) no air should be present at that port with the brakes released and the foot valve released (check the foot valve tor free operation, the cross pin can seize in the housing and not fully release) if air is coming out from the air can port you could have a bad center section in a maxi can,
  12. all I will say is keep a close eye on them! i have changed out more auto slacks than manual ones due to failure to stay adjusted, I have a good fight with a old school friend who is a state trooper over auto vs. manual.
  13. I saw a post over the weekend that he "liked" so he is checking in at least!
  14. this is the mentality that kills me ......just move the pollution to another country and we will save the planet!.....mean while take jobs away and dish out welfare to people that would rather have a job......... and pay taxes move steel mills to china and then pay for a ship to haul it back to us.......does the ship run on unicorn piss and fairy farts? all we have done is cripple our selves, and become dependent upon others. Not to mention receive a poor quality product, I bought some channel iron the other day and the web was dished about 3/16, don't remember U.S. steel being that way, always nice and square.
  15. I could see the tail wagging or dragging the dog in the wrong terrain
  16. saw that on face book the other day and was rolling on the floor ......love it!
  17. guess we know who doesn't have an answer!
  18. looks like we have the same weather today!.......10 min. squall snowing sideways 20 mph wind gusting to 40
  19. hate to say it but you could have flipped the 12 valve and had enough to rebuild the Mack the 12 valve blocks if the right casting # are worth $
  20. Paul, if that's the camps drinks of choice , you don't need the sheriff to evict them! just get a propane cannon that growers use to keep birds out of their crops, set the timer to start around 5am. and with the hangovers they will have I would bet they leave by 6am.
  21. did some one put the air cleaners in upside down? the intercooler hoses should swell with load/rpm not deflate or collapse you most certainly have a problem on the intake side of the engine, also check to see if a shop rag has the turbo stuck!
  22. Well, I still have Coors Light .........so I guess I haven't hit rock bottom yet .........and twelve steps are too many to memorize.....don't think my 50 year old head could take a Thunderbird hang over any more!
  23. Boy I didn't realize the price of glass containers was that high!
  24. I'm more of the 3/4 ton or larger type, I prefer to step out of my rigs, not be shoe horned into and out of a roller skate! my 87 ford ranger is as tight of a fit that I can tolerate. tried to get into a Triumph TR 7 once slammed my knee between the door panel and the steering wheel with the seat all the way back and my feet against the fire wall, I looked like High Tower in Police Academy!
  25. The things you learn on this site is unreal! like "Maddog" is a local .....well to me and Truck Shop that is
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