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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. early 70's mack fire truck cut up for scrap, drive train left 82,000 miles on truck has a thermodyne tf673c eng 5 speed spicer trans and front load rearend 5.14 ratio I'm second party on this you can e mail steve at smpryor@yahoo.com or p.m. me and I will get you his cell # these parts are in moses lake Washington about 10 miles north of I90and 150miles east of seattle or 90 miles west of spokane
  2. ok steve got back to me today it's a TF673C-3X6337 he wants 1500.00 for it he also has a 5speed spicer trans and front loader style rear end the rest has been scraped his e mail is smpryor8@yahoo.com or you can p.m. me and i'll get you his cell number as soon as my e mail works again I can post pics. this stuff is located in moses lake wa. about 10 miles north of I90
  3. I don't have a solid mount to look at but I believe one will replace the other my advice is hit the wrecking yard and take a good look at a air ride cab and cross member mounting
  4. for that money where's the drop axle and the 3 or 4 axle trailer? this guys been "tippin" a few before he wrote the add!
  5. well now on a cold day they can have a Mcjellup in the Mcfilter ok I'd better quit before my Mcbutt gets in trouble
  6. now how in the heck can I follow that yardo? E.C.D you will honor DIESEL each time you visit this site because we'll know what the "D" means to you Rob
  7. well that should be enough time for the snow to melt and butter cups to bloom! guess I had better pack a jacket just in case.
  8. don't know about 2 valve but 4 valve injectors from mack are around 70.00 bucks each
  9. all right thanks for the pictures d.c.w. he will be back on Monday and I will get this info to him!
  10. ok good to hear!
  11. has any one chatted with ken in the last few weeks? I p.m. him a week ago and no response
  12. ok thanks superdog
  13. how did you test the cooler from the oil side or the water side? could be that it is only doing it at eng temp and closes up again as eng. cools. or poss.head gasket starting to fail from oil port to coolant port. I'd recheck the cooler and pressure test oil side to up to 80 psi
  14. 3 and 4 should be on different heads so I doubt that's it try what glenn said remove injectors and re configure the lines so you can run the eng. with the injectors hanging in the air and look at the pattern (from a safe distance) if this checks out then do a comp. test. Your helper didn't leave a shop rag in the intake by chance ?
  15. just talked to a guy 150 miles from me that is scraping out a 73 mack fire truck with a 6cyl. thermodyne it has 82,000 original miles on it and he wants it sold but he can,t find the id tag. any help experts?
  16. don't give up to soon, dogs can often be tougher than we think they are. Had a boarder collie blue heeler X that lived to be 16 lost a leg at 6 mos. got ran over at least 4 more times during his life was knocked out several times (cows) would never quit working cows as long as there was work to be done. Thought I might have to get him fitted for dentures lol.
  17. damn are the Hoffmans going gold mining again, somebody get todd outta the damn machine!
  18. undercover d7g or d6d ? been in a few spots that guarding package would have been nice
  19. I just want to see the size of Idaho potato that needs 8 axles to get hauled out of state! and the digger that got it out of the ground
  20. the cold floor helps is he still alert? eyes clear ? nose wet? how's fluid intake? urine color, smell ? you could give the dog a lukewarm bath that should also help reduce temp.
  21. I'd be interested in the tanks and steps you could p.m. me prices
  22. I haven't had enough snow to even look at the snowmobiles and it looks like you need one for transportation to and from the mail box
  23. murratic acid-aluminum brightner work small sections and don't let it get dry before hosing off
  24. is it all mack power train? how much?
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