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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. well my o6 f350 will be glad to hear it has been up graded to pull what it pulls now lol
  2. how many shop rags can a Detroit digest ? you know we gotta get all our d.d. stuff wrote down and then come up with some type of mechanics board game, using all the info our play pieces can be t gauges, blower shafts, oil cans, either cans, and slobber tubes. just a thought
  3. didn't see any ducks ........ damn quacked up thou.
  4. if your a welder it looks like you could retube the arms and replace the cross shaft and be in business.
  5. did she have a weed burner exhaust or single stack that I cant see? nice truck hope see likes her new home.
  6. Ah lets see rack sticks ..... eng can accelerate at 1000 rpm per. second ..... doing some math.... 3.5 seconds till day goes bad ! gotta love a Detroit Diesel!!!!
  7. OK NOW THAT WE GOT THE SIMPLE STUFF COVERED! you will need EAR PROTECTION and BAND AIDS next clear a 3 mile area around the truck, protect with crime scene tape then lastly apply for a ENVIROMENTAL POLLUTION PERMIT! now slam hand in door - apply band aids- insert ear plugs- start cranking- change batteries- resume cranking- start cursing- this is the reason for the 3 mi. area wrench throwing etc. then as it starts to fire the EPA permit comes in here! OH OH OH almost forgot the most important thing an extra 5 gallons of 40wt. And yes 58 FWD I know your smiling reading this!
  8. it sounds like it has Hendrickson pad or spring over walking beam that would explain the tube moving between the trunions. If it has this check where the diffs. move between the cross members if wore badly the diff. side covers will hit the cross members. to check back truck into a turn while loaded and then check for proper clearance. the good news is its easer to re bush than a camel back.
  9. white gold take it to court and see if you can get it deferred (driving school or probation) I've seen a buddy go to one day driving school and got the ticket deferred and then got a better insurance rate for taking the class. just a thought
  10. brian you might remove the rev. supply line at the shifter and dump in some air tool oil or other thin oil and see if that helps
  11. yep I bet j hancock nailed it battery dead man switches
  12. is it exhausting air when in reverse? there is a exh. line from the shift knob that is open to (open air) just below the cab. mine in cold weather will just exhaust air out the line until the shift selector warms up. if i'm in a hurry I can block the exh. line and make it shift to reverse. I tried kiting the shifter but no luck. I think I will have to get a new shifter valve.
  13. off road haul truck ?
  14. cooking up a little something for dinner now sounds so very wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. can you get another r600 for twenty grand that fits your needs? if so I think I give him a title and find a real mechanic. just my thoughts
  16. b.c.m. where did you find that. I've used one like that before but now I cant remember if it was in a truck or a piece of construction equipment......of all the things I've misplaced I miss my mind the most!
  17. I take it's Detroit powered? if so on top or on side of eng where blower attaches on the top side of bloweryou will see a cable attached to a lever that locks a shaft. remove cable at this point then remove from dash, coil and put in bucket of diesel let sit for a day then coil and un coil cable several times, this should break it loose then if needed remove cable oil and reinstall
  18. as a vff I feel for you ! hate to see any equipment go that way. God speed getting the house rebuilt. nice mack good save!
  19. change timing to 5 degrees make sure that all back lash is out of the gear train back eng up at least 1/4 rev on crank and re pull in direction of rotation and check final timing. I haven't played with any electronic macks so I cant tell you how to check the advance or if it controlled mechanically. may be the next guy can.
  20. hope he saved enough on gas to pay for the body work
  21. I would not pay these jokers a dime and would get my truck the hell out of there!
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