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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by gearhead204

  1. yes case really got their stuff together when they built the 21 series loaders very good machines! nothing like the old w series
  2. Kansas farmer I hope both still look great in 22 years
  3. can you post pics.
  4. welcome to the dog house!
  5. wish I had one handy to look at. if memory serves you have three tanks wet, pri,sec, and pri and sec are the same tank.on one end there is a pressure protection valve its about 2in. square and has two round thimble sized chambers on the bottom half of this valve. this valve allows air to travel both ways above 70 or 90 psi (don't remember 4 sure) but will work as a check valve above or below set pressure you might check this as its not too hard to get to. the other valve you speak of I believe is shifted once you make a application on the treddle valve over 60 psi and combines both pri. and sec. air for emergency stop. a space heater and a tarp plus some air line anti freeze might be a faster fix!
  6. couldn't tell in the vid. are you dumping salt brine while plowing or is it ballast for the plow ?
  7. Damn you still have live Grimlins east of the Mississippi!.......Guess they live up to there name
  8. ooops well I guess good things come in three"s
  9. This can be wicked when you see this in your rear view or side view mirror
  10. well that's about right two GM"s on the hook. ............ just another day at the office LOL
  11. did you shave ?
  12. wtf ? looks like a dude!
  13. looks like fun. I have a e9-450 that needs that new paint treatment! plus a few other repairs
  14. finally a guy who knows his sh--! welcome
  15. the 80,s R mods. the buzzer is in the dash on the pass. side and it plugs into the fuse-relay block
  16. wish I had the pics to post of another transtar II that crashed in town back in the 80's lost brakes coming down hwy. 20 on 5 mile grade, at the bottom it intersects with sr97. truck missed cross traffic there ran one more block then ran out of road hit rr track fill lost front axle there then cleared tracks and hit side of apple warehouse where the cummins eng. and trans entered the building three bins deep. His load of lumber came forward and smashed the head ache rack. Smashed the sleeper cab to the size of a day cab the driver lived for several days, but later died due to injuries.
  17. always liked the job sites where you have to un hook and have the crane turn your trailer around because that's the only way to get out. Did a sewer treatment plant in Kirkland Wa. one lane about 9% grade and a mile long to the bottom of a canyon , two axle hyster lowboy 68 pete 280 w.b. tractor. 57 point turn about for the truck areal manuver for the trailer ,hauled ecology blocks in there for a week. what a pain!
  18. let me be the first to say welcome!
  19. NICE IRON but I have one question, with the drop axle that far forward aren't you light on the steer axle?
  20. if you do a steerable axle install a hidden switch in the cab when you blow a tire and that axle goes from stop to stop it makes for a very wild ride! and you want that thing in the air NOW! ALSO TIE IT INTO THE BACK UP SWITCH. IT GETS EMBARRASING WHEN YOU SPACE IT OFF
  21. I think the "tail of the dragon" was inspired by Washington state dept'of natural resources timber sales road building division.
  22. So I guess that's an 8x8 or was one axle a tag?
  23. dave I cant say for positive but a 73 was not required by law to have a buzzer' it should have 2 visual.1 primary air and 1 secondary air pressure gauge then a wig-wag that drops a red flag in front of the driver at or below 60p.s.i. somebody correct me if I got this wrong
  24. take a look at the side supports do the bolts have nuts? or do they thread into the support? I'm guessing its like my superliner and they thread. With as low as that truck sits I'm guessing it would get road splash in that area and could be a bitch
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