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  1. I found the final resting place for what was left of the truck. It was just a cab on another chassis. I'm heart broken. My dad's truck is gone.
  2. Update. The truck was sold to Flovilla Fire Department in Georgia. It is supposed to be in Jacksonville, Florida now. Someone from Flovilla is looking for the present owner. One owner was Kenny Floyd in Ga. If anybody can get on Florida's DMV that would be great.
  3. Here's the fire truck I literally grew up with. My father was a full time FFer at the Turn of River Fire Department in Stamford, Ct. I'm looking for it. 1957 Mack B85F chassis # 1254 Jack
  4. Hvy gunner,I wonder what rpm that 453 is at in od at 55mph? 2cycle Detroit s weren't famous for fuel economy.My dad had a46chevy  flatbed he hauled scrap cars with. I had a 47Chevy fleetline Tudor.his engine blew up and he took the engine out of my car and put it in his truck while I was at school! I got off the school bus and the hood was crooked on my car! I lifted the hood and it fell on the ground.What could I say?I was 14 and he needed the truck to feed me!It was the only Chevy flatbed with a chrome valve cover!




    1. BillyT


      Jack 2052, Hope you find your dad's fire truck,the only on on Craigslist down here in fla was an American La France!Wasn't red!lol.

  5. I'm looking for this fire truck that was converted to a tanker. 1957 Mack B85F chassis # 1254. It started out new at the Turn of River Fire Department in Stamford, Ct. They sold it in 1977 and have no idea to whom. Oh, it's Red. ;-)
  6. In 1957 the Turn of River Fire Department, in Stamford, Connecticut, bought a Mack B85F pumper, chassis number 1254. I was 6 years old and my father was a full time fireman. I practically lived in the firehouse. I can still remember the smells. I still have my fathers jacket, helmet and boots. The truck was latter converted to a tanker and sold in the '70's. No one in the department can remember were it went. Some say New Hampshire and others say down south. I would love to buy the truck and restore it. I would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you, Jack
  7. Can anybody tell me how to track down this fire truck? It has special meaning to me.
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