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Everything posted by hossein

  1. Which one of truck manufacturer own their powertrain and chassis and body and .... like old Macks? I guess Mack is ONLY truck manufacturer own their powertrain and chassis and body and component. Thanks in advance
  2. E7 400 1460 torque and E9 400 is 1325 torque! and E9-400 is better in pulling?
  3. Thanks
  4. hossein


    How to delete a post or topic?
  5. E9 400hp VS E7 400hp.
  6. which one is better in torque and fuel millage?
  7. which one is better in torque and fuel millage?
  8. nice looking,has this engine intercooler? why she has twin air intake?
  9. 1975 Mack R600 250hp 5x4(20spd) trans is pulling a 40000kg bulldozer.
  10. thanks
  11. .
  12. Hi Is ETZB675 a 315hp?
  13. Hello When Mack engines equipped with turbocharger and Intrcooler? thanks in advance
  14. I believe Mack is best truck in world
  15. Hi nice pictures with bulldog hat!, Is the first pic a Superliner? what is the specs?
  16. thanks you for replies
  17. Hi for example mack R600 have not HP more than 350hp or 400, many of R and F models are 300,285,.... why an E6 engine have not 500hp like an E9? thanks alot.
  18. Hello I'm 20 and student of mechanical engineering. I've recently registered in this forum. I like this site very much and read some topics because I'm a Mack lover,I'd like to converse with you, I've learned about Mack and other brands from drivers and net especially BMT before. question : why old Macks are underpower(except E9,E7)?
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