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Hook n ladder 1

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  1. No, I already have that stuff. The problem I'm having is certain "wear items" are not being covered. A front wheel bearing failed at 50,000 miles and they won't cover it, but I'm still working on it. It shows under the Chassis 2 warranty that wheel bearings are covered. The mechanics stated it was improperly installed and failed prematurely.
  2. Anybody have a tough time getting things covered under the Mack extended warranty?
  3. I had the retro kit installed. Works good, ZERO rattle. Here's the part number if anyone is interested.....23961452. Also the service bulletin is attached.mack hood rattle service bulletin.pdf
  4. Has anyone installed the Anthem hood latch retro fit kit? It removes the lever/latch mechanism and replaces it with the old style system.
  5. The gear splitter, not the range selector. Yes red button on the side.
  6. Hey boys, my splitter hisses air when going from high to low. It works ok and the top of the shifter was replaced under warranty, but still hisses air. The dealership just replaces stuff now a days and doesn't really diagnose anything. Any idea of were or why it would be hissing air like that? It's a 2021 Anthem. Thanks in advance.
  7. My old truck had a 2 piece clutch brake. I'd put it in and squeeze it shut with big pliers I have for removing filters. Filter pliers I guess.
  8. Well boys, the problem started again and decided to take it to the dealer. Pretty convinced it was the air assist causing the problem. The service manger was pretty convinced too after describing the problem over the phone. There wasn't any air exhausting from the assist system as there should be. The morning I go to take it in, I can barely push the pedal to the floor, and the clutch brake wasn't working very well (before it was working fine). Turned out the cable was bad. Binding up apparently. New cable $0. Warranty covered.
  9. Well, jumped in the truck this morning, and she worked just fine. Couldn't reproduce the problem. Not sure what the hell it was. fjh just to touch on something you mentioned, the clutch brake was out of adjustment from the factory. The dealer was able to adjust it correctly.
  10. Thanks for the info boys. I'll check it today. Is it possible I put to much grease in there and it's hanging up?
  11. Let's see if I can cover it all: I ordered the truck with the 13...didn't want an AMT for off road end dump. I did change grease it should have been the same rating/type as my old shit but I'll double check. Yes it's still under warranty, but if it's an easy fix I'll take care of it myself as the dealership is swamped and undermanned. Why work when you can sit at home and make money. I didn't check the return spring under the dash but I will. Pedal is easy to push in.
  12. Hey gang I had a weird clutch problem this morning. 2021 Anthem day cab with a 13 speed Eaton and an air assist, self adjusting clutch. When I started her up this morning the clutch pedal would not return after pressing it to the floor. I could move it in and out of any gear freely. I got under the truck and manually pulled the clutch linkage back. I finally got it to loosen up a bit. Enough to drive. But it still felt weird. I could press the pedal and as I slowly let go of it I could feel the pressure "chasing" the pedal. The only thing that was different from the last time it was fine was, i greased the, throwout bearing. I think it's the throwout bearing......is that the grease fitting that is exposed when you hold the clutch pedal to the floor? I've greased the truck before and never had a problem. It has 22,000 miles on her, as I bought her new. Any ideas?
  13. Good luck with this project...you did a lot of work so far. I'm a big MR fan. Drove one for Waste Management. I did want to buy an MR tractor (old USPS rig) and either stretch it and make an RV out of it or put a sleeper cab on it. I have a CH midrise sleeper that i was going to use but, there isn't enough time in the day.
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