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Hook n ladder 1

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Everything posted by Hook n ladder 1

  1. Theres a few guys in the neighborhood with straight pipes. sounds cool as they re going by but wouldnt want to sit under them all day. What do you mean dual stack? Dual exhaust? Thats what I have I was just going to buy whatever the single muffler part number was and get 2 of them. Anyone use walker mufflers?
  2. I need new mufflers for my 98 CH E7-427. Im looking for some performance mufflers with a nice throaty sound to it and that increase my mpg. You guys have any suggestions? Thanks
  3. The Watts pic and the crane toter pics are great
  4. I never thought of the cutoff idea but you're right theres a lot around especially in my 'hood (Chicago).
  5. What I didn't mention is more than likely I will not use a refuse truck chassis. I worked for Waste Management 25 years ago and drove an MR so Im aware of the beating they take. Also I have to disagree about Volvo not supporting parts after 15 years. I have an 18 y/o CH and have no prob getting parts. I know a 1998 CH isn't much different than a 2003 as far as parts.
  6. I need some info about a project Im going to start in a few years. I want to use an MR as a road tractor and put a decent sized sleeper on it maybe an ARI sleeper or something. I'll farm out most of the work. There will be a long line of questions as I go. I'm entertaining all kinds of ideas. Such as do i buy one of the old post office tractors and start there. Do i buy a straight truck and convert it to a tractor. An older fire engine or ladder truck chassis maybe be an option. Im looking for tandem with ar ride 400 hp or higher and 10 or 13 speed. I may also go with a 6x2 chassis but i do do some rock/stone hauling now so they may not work for me. So some of my intial questions are these: 1. How much heavier is a double frame over a single frame ( i know length will affect this) 2: How dfficult is it to change rear end ratios and to convert camelback to air ride? 3: Does a heavy front axle (20,000lb rated) weigh that much more than a 12,000 lb front axle? Thanks in advance.
  7. I did use Shineseal AKA Zoop Seal. It really shined them up, even though they are brand new. They're not on my trailer yet so we'll see how they hold up. Thanks for the info
  8. What seat would you guys suggest? I have a 98 CH and I need a new seat. I was looking at a Bose but a bit heavy and a lot of electronics. I do dump so my cab is always dirty and dusty and im not crazy about the electronic stuff in the seat. I'm looking for cloth with lumber support, high back and maybe whatever else they may offer these days. Do I stick with a bostrom? What else is out there Thanks
  9. Is it worth an extra $2. a gallon to go to a synthetic blend? 98 CH w/ E7 427 reman in 2008. I do use a gallon of Lucas at every oil change (10,000 miles). Is a blend worth it? I do mostly local dump work with occaisonal regional flatbed work. But lots of dirty dusty conditions.
  10. I got these great brand new Alcoas. What kind of sealer would you guys suggest to keep them nice and shiny? They're not durabrites. I know what yer thinkin..."Cheap Ba$tard should have bought durabrites." Alcoa does not put durabrite finish on 17.5" rims. I gots 4 brand new 17.5s. Thanks
  11. Ok I'll start there. Thanks
  12. Is there a cabin filter for the blower motor? Truck is a 98 CH613. Also where does the air come from when the blower motor is operating? Is there an intake somewhere? Thanks
  13. I cleaned off the prongs on the plug, they had alittle corrosion on them. So then the truck sat for 5 days in -5 degree temps. When I jumped in to start... she turned over, spit and sputtered for about 3 attempts, and fired on the 4th attempt. I don't know if the heater was working beacuse A. the winchill was -30 degrees and B. I was too damn cold to reach in and feel the motor. Also the hood latches were frozen. So I'm guessing it may have been working. Again thanks for the info.
  14. Thanks for the info.
  15. Is there a fuse or circuit breaker for the engine heater? It's a 98 CH613....This is the first time since ive owned the truck ( 8 years) that I've plugged in the engine heater. It didn't seem to work. Thanks
  16. I have a 98 Ch613 E7-427. I dont know what generation ECM is in it and it fires off the same code a few times a day. Can someone tell me what generation it is and what code # 4-6 would be? Is there a list of codes somewhere ( dont say the dealership). They flash me the same code $$$$$$$. Thanks
  17. I had a similar symptom with my CH. Alignment was off abit. Tires wore to that "alignment". Got truck aligned and the truck seemed to "float" side to side until tires wore into correct alignment. The shop manager even said the truck would feel funny for a few weeks until the tires wore straight.
  18. Turned out to be a bad U-joint off the carrier bearing. It was checked once and seemed tight, checked a second time with a pry bar and there was just a small amount of play.
  19. Could this be a wheel bearing issue and or kingpins?
  20. Well, yes and no. I get a wobble at about 40 in the wheel. But the new vibration shakes the entire truck. One thing I forget to mention is that on curves on the expressway the vibration gets worse.
  21. I just started getting a new vibration ( at about 50-60 mph) Its the same loaded, empty, accelerating, coasting in gear and coasting in neutral. Once i drop below 50 sometimes down to 45 it pretty much goes away. At about 65 it also isn't as noticible. I checked everything in the front end. It all looks tight. tires all good. thanks
  22. It may have been bent before I bought the truck. The previous owner was swapping transmissions like he was doing oil changes. They kept tearing them up. Ive had the truck 8 years and never had the trans out. My trans now is actually out of a Freightliner.
  23. Same MPH regardless of gear ( or load). I varied the shift points to see if it changed with RPM. Its usually between 1200-1600 RPM. But always 20-30 MPH. I had some transmission work done. I had a vibration before, that was all over the place. Now its very consistant. I wonder if they had dropped or bent the drive shafts when they were out. What about rotating the shaft 180 degrees at the rear trans yoke? They did find a few things that would cause some vibration (trans mounts had elongated bolt holes, frame mounts were bad, input shaft was slightly bent).
  24. Ive posted before on my vibration issue im chasing ( for years now). It has changed recently and now consistently the same. I wont muck it up with all the back ground so I will start fresh and will keep it simple........ Ch 613 tractor. - I have a vibration, empty and loaded, between 20 and 30 mph. its worse when heavy on the throttle. Give me your first and best guess. Thank you.
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