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Hook n ladder 1

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Everything posted by Hook n ladder 1

  1. No. They're Eaton diffs. I was also incorrect. I get the vibe between 5-10 mph (maybe up to 12 mph). After that it's gone.
  2. The shaft was out when they replaced the center bearing. I don't get the vibration at higher speeds. Its usually around 20-30. Anything done to the driveline made no difference. Anything done at all made no difference (so far). All I know is this ...old motor no vibe, new motor bad vibe .
  3. There was no difference before or after carrier bearing or u-joint change.
  4. What do you mean? How can changing the motor affect the drive shaft? Unless I was going from a 237 to a 460. I guess the new motor is putting out it's rated hp and the old one was probably doing a bit less. Hey fjh...the shop also thinks it's unrelated to the motor. Other than the vibe the new motor runs like a s.o.b.
  5. They did re-use the old clutch (30% worn).
  6. The new engine did come with a new harmonic balancer. The shop said it can't be that because I should have the vibration all the time which I don't.
  7. The harmonic balancer. Is it the same thing????
  8. What is it? Where's it at? Sorry I'm unfamiliar.
  9. I have a 98 CH613. Last year the engine (427hp) was replaced with a Mack Reman engine. Since the "new" engine was installed there is a vibration when under load in lets say 4th 5th 6th gear (10 speed fuller). It feels like I'm driving over rumble strips. It's most notable in 5th. The entire truck shakes and it feels like the dash board is going to shake apart. When I'm bobtailing there is no vibration and when pulling my dump trailer empty the vibration is there but not as noticeble as when I'm loaded. The Mack shop that did the install thought the clutch wasn't indexed correctly when the motor was installed. They "re-indexed" the clutch but that did nothing. They re- tightened motor mounts and that had no effect. The truck needed a few u-joints and a center bearing. Nothing has changed. Any ideas? Anyone have this problem? Does the clutch need to be re-indexed again? The shop doesn't think so but one mechanic said it could be in 1 of 4 possible positions. Thanks
  10. Raf, I had the same problem with my 98 CH. The problem was a kinked heater hose. It didn't look kinked to me but it had a pretty sharp bend to it. I replaced that line with a straighter hose and the problem went away. Also when I had the kinked hose it wouldn't fill up the reservoir if I had the heater on all day. As soon as the heat was off the tanks would start to fill up and squirt out of the little hole. Hope that's your problem. Good luck Rob
  11. I need some help. I had a reman motor put in my 98 CH613 and before I left the Mack dealer I asked about using bio. He printed out a bulletin saying Mack trucks only approves of B5 bio and not anything else in the E-techs, Ascert, MP7 and 8. SO the service manger says thats about '98 and up. I'm in the CHicago meto area (SOUTHSIDE/WHITE SOX) everyone has bio of b10 or greater..or "might contain bio". What the hell is that????? I can't find non-bio or B5 anywhere near me. My question is this.....is anyone running higher % bio and having any problems???????????? or having problems with any bio??? ( I'm familiar with the changing of the filters soon after a few rounds of bio). thanks
  12. I was at a Mack dealer and they had service schedule brochures for vocational, linehaul, etc with the pm intervals on them. Does anyone have these? Can you tell me the intervals for both linehaul and vocational......I'm looking for mileage and hour intervals for each. I should of grabbed them and I didn't. I do both types of hauling with the same truck and I want to balance out my PM based on what I did the previous XX months or XXXXX miles. Thanx Frank
  13. I have a 98 CH with the same problem. It would happen when I would turn the heater off. Heater on I had no problems. I had a kinked heater hose.
  14. You probably don't need to worry about the front axle if you're adding a pusher. If you were adding a trailing tag axle then you'd have to worry about the front. If you wanted to go to a heavier front try an 18,000#. Put the pusher on load it up and weigh it. Then you will know
  15. I want to replace my steel unimount drive rims with aluminum. Any idea how much lighter a 22.5 aluminum rim is compared to a steel??
  16. I need a copy of the build sheet for my CH. I bought it used so do I contact the local Mack dealer??? Thanks.
  17. How could anti-freeze get into the trans via the cooler? My trans cooler is completely seperate from the cooling system. I have the small cooler that hangs down under the radiator. Unless there is another way the 2 are connected.
  18. Jerry, I had the same problem with my CH. Although mine is alittle older (98) the problem was the throttle. The roller and sensor on the back of the pedal weren't working that well any more(500,000 miles). The entire throttle assembly was replaced and the truck was like a race car. I don't know if there is a way to test it. Hope this helps. Rob W
  19. Yea it's got a coolant conditioner. There isn't any coolant in the oil but a gallon( of anti-freeze) every other day is going somewhere and I know that's bad The guy that owned it before me beat the f%$# out of it. Bent the frame, busted the fifth wheel. I put a few $$$ into it getting it set up for what i'm doing but i didn't want to spend $14,000 for an in frame. But that's the cost of doing business. The hell of it is the truck runs great!!!!
  20. My 98 CH has 600,000 miles on it, it drinks alot of anti-freeze(burning it off). Local Mack service manager says it might be a hole in the liner. He said we might have to do an in frame overhaul. My question is 600,000 miles common for an in frame?? I wanted a few more miles out of it but It's not happening. Thanks
  21. Is there away to find out if the axles will support more weight? Maybe throught the code stamped on them? Rob
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong....a spring suspension is rated mostly because of the springs. You wanted a higher rating you changed springs or added springs. What about air ride? If I wanted to increase my rear axle rating what would I need to do? Bigger air bags? I want to add about 6000 to 10000 lbs (rating) to my drive tandems. Thanx, Rob
  23. John Thanks for the info. Rob
  24. Thanks Trent. That info helps. I to am from the Chicago area. Rob
  25. Paul, Thanks for the reply appreciate it. However, I didn't give enough info in my original question. All those things you discussed I had looked into already. I have moved some equipment before for another employer. I do semi-dump so I'm familiar with alot of flat tires. You're right though...between $5+ diesel and every agency wanting a piece of your a$$ nothing is ever easy is it?? Rob
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