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  1. Thanks, Macks seem to love fuel.
  2. Could anyone give me some idea as to the fuel mileage to expect with the CH 612. Empty and maybe scaling at around 40,000 lbs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Nighcrawler
  3. Hi, Everone I'm new to the forum and I'm not a trucker yet, but looking forward to it. Does anyone have any opinions about this Mack truck,never read or hear much about them. Things like getting the job done, fuel mileage, maintenance. Driver comfort Useage would be over the road. I would think it will be regestered around 50K lbs. This is a local Ryder truck, I hope to get a chance to check it out in a couple of days. Thanks Bruce Truck Mack CH612 Engine Make MACK Engine Model E7-310/330 E-TECH HP 310 Transmission Mnfg FULL Transmission Model FRO-13210C Transmission Type Manual Transmission Speeds 10 Suspension Type AIR RIDE Sleeper Size 42 Sleeper Type Flat Gear Ratio 3.9 Wheel Base 198 Jake Brake No Mileage 492227
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