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Everything posted by rbellinger

  1. thank you all for the info I've found for the time I've been here at Big Mack Trucks. The old girls gone. The Local body shop ,with the help of my son-in-law who works there, gave her a new home. She will be well taken care of and hopefully I'll see her completed in all her glory .I salute all you wrench pullers dedicated to the preservation of our chosen profession. I'll pop in every so often to see how thing are here and see how everyone is doing. Ya'll be safe out there
  2. If anyone needs a 1955 Mack H63LT parts list manual, in good shape, and is willing to pay for the shipping..they can have it. Just let me know..I've also a few other thing kicking around. I'll post them as I find them since we moved, it's the least I can do to try and support the preservation of the Mack truck history.
  3. we just tried to turn the engine,,, stuck. Sorry guys, gonna send her to the scrap yard... Thanks for reading my post though..Happy trucking ya'll.. Ray
  4. The cab has been off for 4 years now but the engine and tranny has been tarped. , removing the cab caused most of my health problems. When the grand son comes out to the farm this weekend I'll have him help me to remove the injectors and turn the engine over by hand. Can't pull those big wrenches no more..sigh!!! I don't want alot for the old girl,, just don't want to see her go to the scrap yard. She and I have a thing about being born the same year only a few weeks apart.
  5. Sweets Corners is just west of Dunnville, Ont. This was my retirment project, but health issues have put a short comming to that. If I'm out of line asking that much for the old girl , let me know. I'd hate to see her in the scrap yard, they just don't build them like this any more.The only major things missing are the inside heater core and housing, hand brake drum and linkage for arround the drive shaft and the right drive axle.
  6. Cab is in poor shape but everything seems to be there. Ran the engine a few years back and had excellent oil pressure. Also it has a Parts Manual and copy of the assembly line record .Contact for mor info ..raymondbellinger@hotmail.com
  7. nice old unit....love to see more pictures
  8. About a dozen years or so ago ,,just in from a South Carolina run the wife had a bunch of Christmas presents that needed delivering. She and I loaded her Nissan Access and wandered down the road at a high rate of fuel consumption. While watching my rear view I noticed a 4 wheeler make a quick right from a side road about 1/2 mile behind me and right away I thought ...sh*t... As I'm pulling off to the side of the road with a plain wrapper nudging up to my rear bumper,,,,I'm fishing through the glove box for all the right stuff. After surrendering all my documents to the officer he looks at my drivers license and comments that being a truck driver I , must have a good reason for exceeding the speed limit to the tune of 30 mph over. So , I promply explained that I'd been on the road for over 5 days , I'm tired and the wife has all this Christmas crap that she could not hand out while I was on the road loaded in the back of the wagon that I'm supposed to be happy delivering... The cop gave me all my documents back , said his wife was the same way and left me standing on the side of the road while he drove away laughing...
  9. Howdy and I must say, a very interesting and enlightening site. The vast amount of knowledge shown on some of the posts is almost refreshing. Sorry I'll try not to babble. Names Ray with a 1955 H63T sitting in the back Barn yard for a few years , now thinking seriously of getting it on the road, last time was 1972. With 31 yrs of driving on the rear of my trousers , it's time to slow down a bit and enjoy life wile still staring through a windshield. (wife thinks I'm loco,,could be right) Any way just a line to say "Hey" to everyone and if anyone has any info,,, good or bad about my old h63t it would be warmly welcome. I do have a parts manual for it and if anyone needs help in that way , please feel free to ask.
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