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Guy Edelist

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Everything posted by Guy Edelist

  1. Hi Vlad,

    Regarding to import Lanova to Israel, i contacted seller from Holland i  know for  few years, he got good NR14 forapprox 20K Euros. maybe is the one you mentioned.

    if you have more please let me know, 




  2. Dear members, We are looking for Mack NR 14 such as this one in the pictures. Any ideas where to buy on? Prices range? second, this one is a tipper or dump truck box, is NR14 had origin tipper box? Thanks Guy
  3. thanks Jim have a great day Guy
  4. Bob, i said i'm not sure about the engine, if Cummins or Mack, i have to ask this truck Driver. it might be 1951 Model, the picture taken after 1958. is LJ have longer hood than LF? What are the exterior differences between LJ and LF? Thanks
  5. Many Thanks, about the i will ask the driver, now he is the CEO of Burstein company at the age of 82. It's the first time i see sleeper cab in Israel for early Mack. The engine can be Lanova or or Mack 510 or 672..
  6. Hi All, is this LJ or LF? photo was taken in Israel, '50-'60 Thanks
  7. Thank you all, the picture was taking in an angle. this is truck, not tractor trailer so, it should be the lighter LF. also Maddog says that LF is the only model with 3 chrome stripes.
  8. Hi All, What is the model? LJ? LF? took place in Israel, 1952. Driver: Mr. Avraham Livnat, Owner of Taavura group. Thanks, Guy
  9. What is this model? Labor Day 1952 Israel. Courtesy of Osnat Maron Mekorot Archive
  10. Very nice picture of A51 with fish tank. Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, Israel. 1960.
  11. look at the "rounded" fuel tank, it's might be Diesel or converted to diesel fuel, very common upgrade is Israel. any idea about the origin specification?
  12. Dear freinds. what is this model. looks like "big" EH picture from '50 - '60 North of Israel Thanks -Guy
  13. Thanks Vlad, The left one can be A51? The right one- we all want such a truck... there is only one NR4D here, not this one. The owner of Taavura group is the mechanic of the right truck..
  14. Just wonder are these trucks.. Probably the first ones of Taavura, Today Israel's largest hauling firm. The Owner - till today - is fixing the right truck.
  15. All Macks in Israel used diesel except EH, probably this is a new truck and not converted, too slim and shiny to be make over of Lanova..
  16. Thanks Vlad, There where many Lanova in Israel after WW2, some were converted and reassembled with all sort of parts, it can be NR4D that its chassis had been cut and shortened and fuel tank taken from another post war truck.
  17. Thanks Jim, is LF stands for Cummins and LJ for Mack engine?
  18. The Owner was SHELEV corporation, Israel. what model is this? you most welcome to reply also by email. guy.edelist@gmail.com
  19. from SHELEV corporation founded 1945
  20. Vlad, Those NR went lomg into the '60 here some converted to B75 with new cabin extracted their chassis ans many new parts. NR came by british and maybe Australian in WW2, the NRs were the workhorse of the new Israel after the war. there was official importer for Mack since 1933, i met one of his grandsons so parts supply was ok. There were more Mil trucks such as Ford Canada etc, but as heavy truck the NR was the winner
  21. Hi Vlad, This NR had been 'adopted' by Israel people from the British forces before 1948. there are many stories about how and what kind of beverages had been used to close down a 'deal' when 2 NR drove out from Bits camp in a dark nigh, and hidden under rocks. British forces sent airplanes and troops but could not find the trucks... The trucks "civilized" later and worked for some years, we might have more pictures in the future i also looking forward to it, so far i don't have VIN, i will call one of the guys who drove them and ask for for info he got details. for some reason lot's of Mack drivers remembers a lot, plate numbers, engine types etc..
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