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Guy Edelist

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Everything posted by Guy Edelist

  1. What tyoe of NR is this? Israel '40 Thnaks -Guy
  2. Hi All, any idea what is this? frame plus , well, nothing pictures somewhere '50 Israel Credit: Kibbutz Gan Shmuel
  3. Some of the old lanovas were converted to "new" B75 some left as is. the old wood fabric cabs did not stand well along the years. The Origin Lanova engines did not last long i think because it was low RPM and those NR tedn to be too loaded and made over run the rpm to often, all these are good reason to rebuilt new truck and dump old parts,
  4. Dear Vlad, thanks for your answer, so far i did not find the chassis number, but we know for sure that this is NR4D, because the reasons i explained before, there was no chance to bring into Israel new truck so the Lanovas had been stripped down and the chassis had been stretchered. amazing but true, those tricks where common back in the '50 '60 in Israel. and it works....
  5. Dear Freinds, what model is this looks brand new here, year is 1956/ Israel. Thanks:) -Guy
  6. Thank you j hancock and all, the A51 was very rare in Israel. It was small tight market with competitors such as Autocar and White Super Power.
  7. Thanks how much horse power END510 makes?
  8. Thanks Superdog. it's the first time i see photo of A51 in ISrael Any thing u know about specs? Engine? 673? Gearbox?
  9. Hi All, Yes, this is a "lanova" well only by licences, this is the story: This was NR4D that had been heavily modified in 1962 with modern mack parts, was very common in Israel back then in the '60. we had monopoly of truck manufacturing signed with Leyland there for a creative thinking was needed to make real heavy trucks, almost all parts had been replaced- engine, gearbox axles and the chassis had been stretched. i think it was named B75 BR guy.edelist@gmail.com
  10. Dear All, please help me identify this truck Picture taken in Israel at the 50' BR Guy guy.edelist@gmail.com
  11. Dear All, please help me idetifty this truck Picture taken in Israel at the 50' BR Guy guy.edelist@gmail.com
  12. What do you know about this big radiator models? is it B61? image taken in north Israel, in the '60-70 Guy
  13. Anu Idea what is this model? registered 1963 in Israel as B61 SX E (Export)
  14. Hi Guys, from Israel, registered at 1963 as B61SX "export". us this true? if not, what is this model?
  15. "Galil Elion" transportation organization was one of the biggest clients of Mack back then in the early '50, Pictures was taken in 1950 at Rosh Pina, Israel
  16. Paul, In Israel they use in 1959 Autocar with 200 HP to pull road trains to Eilat in much hard route than today, same GCVW - about 90 tons means it can be done, but in one uphill needs to disconnect one trailer and than drive downhill to take it re connect to the 1st one and hit thew road, sometimes for 11 hours. In the past ~50 years there is +- flat road but they have to be productive and save time without changing gears and move slowly, the road to Eilat is very packed compare to Australia outback.. The Long hood RW's of Mifalely Tovala had E9 with 440 HP. Other companies that got long hood RW use Cummins and strait 6 cyl Mack engines.
  17. Some of the Superliners had E9, V8 engines with Mack Gearbox with 5 gears X 3 ratios at a button on the gear lever. this button had the tend to find a "neutral" between the ratios, not that funny when going downhill. however this gearbox (what's it's name? TRTXL?) was to weak for the E9 and and weight of the road train. Thse superliners had also Thelma retarder
  18. In the Mid '80 we can see this rare combo, R600 with road train, GCVW ~ 90 ton the reason was "mifalely Tovala" needed new trucks, there were no DM800 available in 1983, than came this R612SX. with EE6 315 engine and 5 speed X 2 gearbox and dynatard engine brake that seems to push the the truck faster.. some drivers likes it because it was more quiet in the cabin and jumped less than the DM, mind you - no air suspension for Mack in Israel. Some drivers were crying for being too weak to go anywhere. BTW the route was Dead sea to Eilat Port with some serious uphills i/ downhills in the way
  19. Paul, you are right, the unusual set of headlights up in the hood does not fit Israel requirements, this RW raw where the only ones came this way. I think there were a few V8, but most cummins. i will try to figure it out. the Mack straight six engines where never powerful enough
  20. I Assume this short nose is only for Israel, was made in Mack Ashdod, Israel. there were several units with short nose, the filter is the rear there was no other palce to put it. The top one road train was empty, when trailers full with Potash the GCVW is 90-100 ton. these two pictures are from different vehicle, it's very hard to kill Mack.
  21. Thanks Bob so it's Probably EH, hard to believe there was EQ in Israel.
  22. This 1984 RW is Special verison to Israel, basically R600 components under a short hood. Mack Gearbox 5 gears + HI Lo in a push button Engine might be EE6-315 but i'm not sure. later came RW models with conventional longer hood with Cummins + Fuller
  23. what model is this? Israel, "North Galil" Organization. truck registered as 1947 model
  24. Chevi - this DM is totally american, Mack assembly factory at Ashdod didn't touched it. the lightning system in the bumper is there because Israel rules that fits European rules, means a-symmetric lights and lower mounting than the origin, the exhaust pipe is thicker too in this special item. Green Dash - the truck was special order, therefor the NTA370 probably not listed as an option Taavura wants a strong engine, so what engine they could buy? cummins had NTC335 that was very popular by than with many spare parts so maybe was thought to have NTA370 and use NTC for spare parts. the Mack V8 had good reputation in Taavura but had only 325HP and they wanted more, i didn't see the stronger CAT 1693 or 3408 at the list and Taavura will not gamble on such combo on this DM neither on the GM V12-71 even very powerful and reliable
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