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hurstscrambler last won the day on June 11 2020

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  1. Lol, beyond someone getting shot the similarities are razor thin. Well if someone hadn’t been shot, there wouldn’t be much of a story. That is kinda the headline of both stories, right?
  2. Agreed, there is a very slight difference. A couple post back you were indicating that you supported a zero tolerance gun safety protocol. Remember, he didn’t verify the gun was safe, he pointed the gun in an unsafe direction, he pulled the trigger, etc? Those three things happened at both events, like it or not. Obviously I’m not saying the circumstances are exactly the same, but any fool can see the glaring similarities.
  3. I don’t remember Dick Cheney facing any consequences back in 2006 when he shot a fellow hunter. The victim was fortunate enough to survive, but I believe he was hurt pretty bad. I’m no fan of Baldwin, but unless someone presents some evidence of it being somehow malicious or premeditated, I fail to see it as going to gain much traction in a criminal sense. The civil courts however will be busy with this one.
  4. Sad for sure, it would seem impossible for actors to treat every firearm as if it were loaded in the course of making a movie. No doubt some safety measures were not followed for this to have taken place, it will be interesting to see what the police determine. Similar story to that of Bruce Lee’s son Brandon, he was fatally shot with a “Prop gun” (loaded with blanks I believe) one hell of a prop if it can kill someone. I don’t think that actor was charged with a crime. You think there would be a few more failsafes before a loaded gun ends up in the hands of idiot like Alec Baldwin. I doubt he will face any legal consequences, it certainly sounds like it was an unfortunate accident.
  5. Congrats, looks like a good start. If you can, keep us updated as the project gets underway. Andy
  6. Thank for the explanation Paul, many people consume garbage opinion shows as news and use it to shape an inaccurate world view. I assume it is not an issue that is unique to the US, but it runs rampant on the extreme ends of both our political parties. I’m sure Australia is a great place, I hope to visit it some day. Andy
  7. What kind of awful news source would compare Australia to communist China, or try to tell you the country is under a dictatorship? Maybe Fox? The MSM is very good at spinning world events and statistics to fit their chosen narrative. I like the way Tucker tells you how few cases they have, and how the serious way they have responded to the pandemic has worked. Then makes fun of the policies that have worked, lol. How stupid is his audience?
  8. Hayseed my comment was sarcastic, I would never make that comparison in a serious way. The post above mine made that comparison and I was making fun of it.
  9. Keyboard warrior mode fully engaged.
  10. Yeah Paul, you read it wrong, it’s not a put down. It’s just that your country is similar to Nazi Germany. Lol. In all seriousness, being that we have people here that are boots on the ground of sorts. What is your take? Some opinion news sources here have been highly critical of Australias response, what are you actually seeing?
  11. Haha, that is cool. Andy
  12. This is my favorite one, notice the date in the lower left corner.
  13. You are obviously under no obligation to post anything to support your opinion. I’m simply engaging with something you posted on a public forum, nothing to get worked up about.
  14. I’m not at anyone’s throat at all. Slow day at work and I just asked a question. I think a lot of the content in this thread is funny.
  15. Change my mind on what? If you substituted Biden for Trump in that quote I’d think it was equally ridiculous. There are a lot of things to dislike about Biden or any politician, a nameless quote is hardly the building block of an interesting discussion. I’m just pointing out the lack of thought in that quote. If I quoted a editorial article from a Canadian (for example) newspaper that said Trump was awful, would that change your mind? I could surely dig something up, but it would be meaningless. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, just asking some questions and trying to understand. If it is a meaningless or fake quote, that’s cool it is sort of comical. If it’s real, I think it reasonable to want to know the full context and understand the point of view.
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