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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. The guy who owns that truck is my neighbors brother...small world. Andy
  2. I can't believe someone hasn't pointed it out, your mirrors appear to be on backwards. Haha, good luck with the sale, looks like a great deal for someone. Andy
  3. Try McMaster Carr, they have alot of stuff and a good website. Andy
  4. Nice, I have a soft spot for astros, my father ran one for some time and I spent alot of time in the passenger seat. His was a later one with the big grill and lower door handles. Thanks for sharing the pics, Andy
  5. Thanks for the cool pics Jim, we need a couple shots of the Astro too. Andy
  6. I wasn't serious, besides you must have some good employees already to keep your equipment in that shape. Well done sir. Andy
  7. Looks real nice, what are the plans for it?
  8. Looks like it was worth the wait. Andy
  9. Yes, get well soon, can't wait to see updates on the projects! Andy
  10. I guy who worked with my father got caught with a handgun maybe 15-20 years ago in NYC. He was in a Commercial Vehicle and it was found during a roadside DOT inspection. He spent 3 years in Rikers Island, then went back to Louisiana.
  11. Great progress, your an animal.... Andy
  12. I hope everything went well with the purchase Paul, I'd like to see some more pics if possible. BillT, your ambassador would have had a first gen V8, either a 287 or a 327. Andy
  13. I've always had a lot of respect for guys who can do quality body work, there is no doubt it takes alot of skill to work sheet metal and filler. I'm good at the metal work, but awful with filler and sanding. Andy
  14. It sounds like whoever was running the show at LME is not a very good business person, worse yet not very honest employer. Andy
  15. That is really nice, I am a big fan of low mileage cars. A 401 go-pac AMX is rare, fun and desirable. What color is the interior? 1974 is a good year as well because by then they were installing 727 torqueflight ("torque command" in Amc talk) transmissions by then. I'd assume it has 3.54 twin grip rear. Good
  16. To further the point, the guys who can spend 100k+ restoring an old truck can make a decision to spend the money or not knowing there is a significant loss when time comes to sell. On the other hand the guy buying a truck for 5k may not have that luxury, he just puts a few dollars in here and there as he can. That doesn't make anyone right or wrong, or better, or worse. I understand that the old truck hobby hasn't evolved enough to be comparable to the muscle car market, but it could. Either way I hope the buyer and seller of this truck were satisfied, Andy
  17. Change starts with the man in the mirror dude. Andy
  18. It would look great in any of our driveways! Wish I had the space.
  19. Ditto on what Mowerman said! Andy
  20. This one was actually a darker red color from the factory, not sure if it was an IH thing or what? The "old" cummins red looks to be a very close match to what was on the engine, I assume it is as correct as it gets. The red/orange in the picture is the newer cummins "APEX" red. Andy
  21. You got it half right, there is a lot of complaining going on....
  22. Union or non-union, I would imagine that sucks for the employees, holidays fast approaching and all. Andy
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