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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. I hear ya, my work phone is a flip and I love the simplicity and durability. I don't have a computer though, so I'm stuck on the phone. I really just go to a couple automotive/truck forum and buy some stuff on the internet so it's really all I need. Andy
  2. What year and model truck is this? Is there some pics of what you started with? Andy
  3. Ok, thanks for checking into that for me. I just found out today that the old cummins paint is still available, I was initially told otherwise and just got the newer color. I got a few more coats of paint on the engine, this time the correct color. It's looking pretty good, hopefully I can figure out how to post pics again soon. Andy
  4. I figured out how to resize the photos, so that's good, but the max total download size is down to .11 MB, so no more pics for me I guess. Is there a moderator or someone I can reach out to? I really like sharing photos on this forum, so I'd like to get this resolved. I probably should have been resizing them all along. Using a hosting site is ok, but it complicates things and I will likley just stop posting pics because of the added time. Thanks, Andy
  5. It is a spicer 8552-A.
  6. Got the engine all cleaned up and painted. Still needs a couple more coats of paint. I also got most of the bolt on engine stuff cleaned up, but they still need paint. Andy
  7. I m gonna call tomorrow about that shield, I also think something is missing. My buddy who is a truck mechanic looked over everything. It was clear that all the grease was from over-greaseing the TO bearing and shaft pivot points. The input shaft is dry and the trans side of the clutch brake was dry. The clutch is dry and the engine side of the bellhousing was as well. So in other words, a good cleaning and a new 2 piece clutch brake and this thing is going back together. I'm not made of money, and if the trans need to come back out for future repair, so be it. I still thank you guy for any advice and guidance, it is appreciated even if I go in a different direction.
  8. Good thing the wall is going up soon, keep the Mexican Oreos out! Andy
  9. Have you ever had a Twinkie??? Would you choose to have another? That's why hostess went out of business. Ha-ha. Andy
  10. This is the easiest forum I have ever encountered to post pictures on, but I'm having an issue now. It used to say "maximum upload size 14.65 MB" or something of that nature, so the pics from my phone are huge and that has allowed me to post about 4 pictures per post. I was satisfied with that arrangement. However, yesterday while trying to make a post I found it said "maximum upload size 1.59 MB. This makes it impossible for me to upload even one picture. I'm not computer savvy, so what can I do differently? How or why would the upload size change? Thanks, Andy
  11. Hey, what year did you get that craftsman toolbox......just wonderin'...... J/K, sorry to see the damage, typically your HO insurance will cover out buildings up to 50k without having it on your policy. Get a private claims adjuster or whatever they might call it, your insurance company will try to f*ck you, they cant help it.
  12. Wow, I never would have guessed Wal-Mart of all employers would step up to the plate and take care of there drivers. That is good to hear. Andy
  13. I m planning on ordering a water pump as well, I'm wondering if there is some sort of wear item that should be changed in the front engine mount as well. I'd like to get all this stuff ordered tomorrow. I was also thinking of using the spin on coolant filter off of the 250 on the 270, no reason not too that I can see. Just need to find it a place to live. Andy
  14. Thanks Paul, I got some components off the engine and was finally able to pull the trans off the engine. I have some questions that I hope you guys can help with. First off the the leak the the rear of the engine appears to be the pilot bearing seal had failed and been over-greased. I'm fairly certain the clutch is the one the truck was born with. The input shaft has no wear that I can see. I included some pictures. Where should I be going for these parts, the local truck center doesn't seem to want to help me much. How difficult is changing the input shaft seal? I know it looks like a mess, but it really does seem like heavy grease, not gear oil or engine oil. Andy
  15. Yes, it's is amazing what doctors can do and provide these days. Good luck, a positive attitude goes a long way. Andy
  16. You guys are doing it wrong, you need to go over the snow..... The black one is a 2016 Polaris Assault, we had a terrible year last year. Only put 300 miles on it. The orange one I had for 2 years and managed 1500 miles a year on that one. Great sled, just wanted the longer track for off trail.
  17. Is the 80k-100k salary figure accurate? Andy
  18. Well, I wasn't able to do anything to the engine as I spent most of today raking leaves, but I spent a couple hours on the frame. I obviously threw one of the fenders on and wow what a height difference between the suspension under the grey truck vs the red truck. The overall height of the truck appears to be a solid foot higher. I got the air tank in place, and you can see in the picture some of the frame differences. Thanks, Andy
  19. All good points, I'm gonna try to get the trans pulled off the engine soon. I didn't get any pics but I bolted some brackets to the frame. I had to drill about a dozen holes in the frame because of variations in the two trucks. I'm closing in on those issues though. I m gonna try to continue working on that tomorrow depending on the weather. Thanks, Andy
  20. I spent a couple hours de-greaseing, washing, and thinking. I guess it is kinda of a no brainier to do the seal now so hopefully I will pull it apart this weekend. I will definitely check the input shaft seal as well. How do you check the shaft wear, just a visual inspection or is there a measurement?
  21. Thanks for the heads up, that picture was taken immediately after fighting the motor out. It got cribbed up a little differently after I was able to reclaim some of the blocking from the frame. I will check it out a little closer tomorrow as well. Andy
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