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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. The engine pic is before the first cleaning. A heavy box showed up from McMaster Carr with alot of hardware to start bolting things back onto the frame. The rear main seal also showed up today. I'm at a bit of a crossroad at this point. The area under the rear main was damp with oil, it was not visibly dripping. The 270 had 40 lbs of oil pressure and I'd estimate less than 150k miles, but it has likley had alot of idle time. If I pull the trans, I know what is gonna happen..... snowball effect. I'm gonna end up buying a clutch, rolling in new bearings, oil pump, etc, etc, etc....... So I will ask, what would you guys do? Put it together and risk having to do the seal later, or just do it now? Unfortunately I'm not made of money, so really am tempted to just put it together. That way I can focus on doing the body work. For the limited use this thing is gonna see I think I will be ok. If it ends up getting put to work, I can rebuild or re-power at that point. On that note, do the later big cam engines use the same mounts as the small cam? I'd also be interested in getting a repair manual for the 270 if they are available, anyone know of a source? Thanks, Andy
  2. Thanks for the replies guys, not too much to report. Seeing as it is dark at 4:30 now it is difficult to get anything done. I got most of my parts out of my buddies garage. I really like using trailers for staging parts. I got the cab off the frame and the frame, remaining fuel tank, engine, transmissions and front axle dismantled. I powerwashed the engine, but it was too dark for pics. I need to clean the engine and main transmission a couple more time as it has a lot of built up grease, oil, and dirt still on it.
  3. According to the zip code this truck is in Londonderry, NH. I could probably look at the truck if someone is seriously interested. I could also store it for a month or so if an out of town buyer pulls the trigger. Andy
  4. I've used Greyhound in the past, it worked out very well. Andy
  5. Good, bad, or indifferent, he is now our president-elect and deserves our respect.
  6. I appreciate that, I must say fixing up an old truck presents some different challenges than a car. I've done a few cars to different levels, but the truck is labor intensive for sure. If I can keep a reasonable pace, I'm hoping to be driving this thing when summer rolls around. On another note, I ordered more epoxy primer/paint today and realized I have used to date 8 gallons of black and 2 gallons of grey. Ive got 4 more gallons of black and two grey. That was kind of a shock to me, it just seems like a lot material. I have been very happy with the product so far though it is SPI brand, $92 a gallon and you can mail-order it. Free shipping makes it simple as well. If anyone has any questions about products or services I used, by all means ask away. Im learning as I go on this truck stuff. Here are some pics of the completed repairs on the fenders, they came out ok. Believe it or not the diamond plate pattern on both trucks are slightly different, but it is close enough. And another pic of the completed and painted parts. Andy
  7. The stack brackets were all twisted up, I welded some gussets in and straightened them out the best I could. Hopefully I can get some paint laid down tomorrow
  8. This is by no means funs stuff, but everytime a part is ready for paint it is a good feeling. I did some other stuff to the fenders, welded up holes and drilled new ones. They are in good shape now. Andy
  9. I did end up using the fire truck cab, I won't be priming the cab probably for a few weeks. My garage is pretty tight and it's not humid so I don't foresee any issues with that. I've been pretty busy with work, but I made some progress on the truck over the weekend.
  10. I'd be happy with either of those trucks, cool picture. Andy
  11. Ah, I was thinking of F-210D/230D vs F-210M/230M, but I'm really not sure. I believe V-line trucks could be had with diamond plate fenders as well, but are not common. Andy
  12. I'm not positive, in fact this is really a guess, but I believe the "M" indicates Gas as opposed to "D" for diesel. BTW, thanks for posting that pic, what a beautiful truck. Andy
  13. Just picked up the cab at the sandblaster, they did an exceptional job as always. There is some rust/rot that needs to addressed obviously, but for a northeast truck I'm impressed with its condition. I won't be tackling the work on the cab for a while, but I wanted to get it blasted and in my garage before the weather turns.
  14. Looks like a sweetheart, 237 5 speed for those of us who can't tell? The bumper looks cool on that truck. Andy
  15. I'm only halfway through this repair at the moment, but it coming out OK. The first pic of course is "before".
  16. Got the toe pan patched up and started on the fenders. They have had a few battlefield repaires, so I'm trying to get a few of those straightened out
  17. Thanks for the advice Paul, it may be a week or 2 before the engine is pulled and in the shop. I'm definitely gonna be competing with the weather soon, we had at first overnight freeze last week. Im slowly getting the parts painted, a little at a time. My buddy hasn't been in his shop, so I have been making the most of it.
  18. I'm just kidding, no dog in that race for me. Your right, everyone has opportunities to make there lives better or worse. I hope they are happy with there decision, I guess that's all that matters? Any opportunity for a joke and I go for it. Andy
  19. No great loss, another crappy casino gone. How does a waitress learn new skills to increase her marketability as a waitress? Fake tits? Andy
  20. We want to know anything and everything and we want pics! Seriously, we are truck nuts, so for some odd reason we want to know how you came to own it and what your plans are with it. Did I mention pics? Andy
  21. The front end on the grey truck is different in many small ways, the grey trucks cab, nose and fenders are mounted about an 1.5 inches higher than accommodate the turbo on the 270, and the radiator in the grey truck is at least 2 inches thicker. Point is that everything from the firewall forward is different, but things that unusable on the grey truck I've either been able to repair them or modify parts from the red truck to work. The red bracket is one of the rear fender mounts, the other 2 brackets are for the front fender mounts and headlight mounts. Andy
  22. Fixed a poorly repaired filler panel. Go easy on my welding too, it's ugly but effective. Andy
  23. No primer yet, been welding like crazy. The fuel tanks both had issues, had to re-weld a previous repair on one and do the same repair to another. Both are pressure tested now. I straightened out the bull bar and did some welding and grinding here and there. I had to modify the front bumper pan to work with the radiator and nose of the grey truck.
  24. Picked up some stuff from the blaster and dropped some more stuff. I feel like this process has only just begun...... There are quite a few cracks in alot of these old parts, I hope to get some stuff welded up and start shooting some primer after work tomorrow. On another note, I think the 270 needs a rear main seal. Anybody know the procedure for that? I imagine the trans and clutch need to come out, or can it be done by pulling the pan? Thanks, Andy
  25. 287 or 327? 4bbl? Andy
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