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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. What are you planning to haul and where? Andy
  2. Do we really think she has a chance of winning the presidency? Scandal aside, I cant even imagine she has a shot. Andy
  3. Do you have a title for this truck? Thanks, Andy
  4. Looks killer, are you guys gonna keep the cruisliner ready to roll as a spare? Andy
  5. I think it's getting to that point now. It's been said that everything is good in moderation, I think unions fall into that category. It's seems like auto manufacturers especially like to blame there workforce for all there issues, who is managing these companies? Ford has been producing vehicles with union labor for decades, if it was so impossible to deal with th UAW, how have they managed this far?
  6. The $57 an hour is pay and benefits, so they probably make 28 an hour and the other 29 covers retirment, health and dental, and any other kind of compensation they might get.
  7. Ha, that's funny, it slipped my mind but I got a different van a few months back. I think Dan has it now, I'll tell him to not be a prick next time someone needs him to move! If it were me I'd have complemented you truck. Andy
  8. What a small world, you captured a picture of my work van. I work for USI and drive van #73, I don't know what day that was, but I was working in one of the emerson college buildings near by. Andy
  9. With a bumper off an international maybe? Andy
  10. That sucks, sorry to see that. Andy
  11. That sucks, sorry to see that. Andy
  12. I think they replace 2001 and up, I had a 2000 that they bought back from me. I paid $10,900 for it in 2004 and they paid me $10,300 for it in 2009. I put 80k on it! Andy
  13. I've had really good luck with the commercial coatings from Napa, it sprays a little differently, but once your used to it is nice to work with. Andy
  14. You do not mess around. Looks great! Andy
  15. Amen 220, well said. Andy
  16. That looks like a sweetheart. Andy
  17. Wow, that is, ahhh.... interesting.....
  18. If I got my license, ANY BODY CAN! Good luck, the hardest part for me was getting the truck ready. Andy
  19. What state do you live in? Andy
  20. Love the R795, keep us updated. Andy
  21. What do you want for the amx? Andy
  22. Dont you have a 15 speed now?
  23. I thought it was Cedar Rapids Student Trucker.... Andy
  24. I have the exact same tractor, did the starter 10 years ago. I Dont think I pulled the motor, but it was awful. Andy
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