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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. I gotta say, they’ve identified quite a few of the people that broke into the capitol. They aren’t all antifa people. Seeing the videos footage is pretty interesting. Losing an election sucks, but there will be another one in 2 years, and the power will shift again. Then in another 4 years we are likely to get a different president. I’m not passionate about politics, but it seems like an overreaction. I hope this settles down in the next couple weeks. Andy
  2. Lol, I like it. Amen. Andy
  3. Nope, that’s not it at all. There was drama that all the ban members got involved in. Attempts were taken to defuse that didn’t seem to work. Everyone who got banned had it coming, just wondering if there is a path back for them. Andy
  4. The terms or rules of the site I’m sure were violated by all who were banned. That’s not the point, and J Hancock wasn’t the only person banned. The question is weather or not any/all of those that were banned could be re-activated. I’m sensing the answer is no, which is unfortunate, but also understandable. I still love visiting the site, but it’s been pretty slow here. I get that having a bunch of members bicker isn’t a good time, especially for the mods. I guess it is what it is..... Andy
  5. Well, my attempt to approach the subject wasn’t to speculate what occurred and why certain members were doing certain things. That is not likely to be helpful, it was more to ask if there is a pathway for the banned members to be reinstated. Maybe a conversation could be had where all parties are again made aware of the rules and what to do if they have concerns about another members behavior. I don’t know, it is just a thought. Andy
  6. Is there any chance he and the others that got banned could get there wings back? I know they were all being pretty wild and not playing by the rules, but it seems like most of them were contributing a lot of good information, pictures, etc. This has been and continues to be a pretty wild year, that may have been the cause of some of the bad behavior? Not trying to open old wounds, or put anyone on the spot, but it seems we lost a lot of contributors with all that drama, maybe the time spent away had a calming effect. Andy
  7. I liked all the guys that got banned, but they were really laying into Kscarbel2 for some sort of conspiracy theory, it was getting pretty wacky. Andy
  8. https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/350935285968617/?ref=browse_tab&search_query=Engine hoist&tracking={"qid"%3A"6890154017511969483"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"3244568875668466"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A3244568875668466%2C\"target_type\"%3A0%2C\"primary_position\"%3A-1%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A0%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A503%2C\"value\"%3A0%2C\"upsell_type\"%3Anull}"} Saw this on marketplace, it is very close to me. I can pick it up and ship it is someone wasn’t to make a deal with the guy. Andy
  9. Yeah, there are fewer everyday apparently. Willie is still kicking, David Allan Coe, Kris Kristofferson and some might put Bobby Bare in that category. I’m with you on Waylon though, apparently their relationship worked out pretty good, after all we got the entire honkey tonk heros album out of it. Waylon had a way of bringing a lot of great songwriters work to life. Watching these videos reminder me of how great a player his son was as well. Andy
  10. Damn, I just posted about Shaver and hadn’t heard the JJW passed away last week. Here are a few of my favorites, although there are many more. Andy
  11. Just read of his passing, guess he had a good run considering he probably lived pretty hard for a long while. Have to listen to the Old five and dimers album on the way into work tomorrow. Andy
  12. I hadn’t heard of that one, interesting story. Seems crazy to think a labor dispute could get that hostile only 50 years ago. Andy
  13. Very cool, you do top notch work. Andy
  14. I’ve heard that Trump ads are being removed from YouTube. On the other hand everytime I go on, there is a Trump ad at the top. I can’t wait for this election to be over, YouTube should keep their politics out of there censorship routines. More importantly, glad to see Rob and hope we get a project update soon
  15. Awesome, very cool. Sounds like you put a lot of time in and it payed off. Andy
  16. I’m computer illiterate, so I’m not sure what you guys are talking about. I noticed the font changed here a few weeks ago, so I guess that is part of the change? I was able to just copy and past YouTube links on here with no issues, maybe there is an issue on your end Paul? I don’t know, hopefully you can get it squared away. Andy
  17. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Keep up the excellent work on the truck as well. Andy
  18. If it’s not too much trouble to share, where did you get the dust curtains and are you satisfied with them? That may be a good solution for a problem in my shop. Thanks, Andy
  19. Yeah, I missed this for sure, hope everything is good. Andy
  20. Congratulations Rowdy, sounds like good times. Andy
  21. You didn’t get the memo mrsmackpaul? There is a liberal take over happening on the BMT. Maxidyne, by way of condescending posts and and aggressive union organization tactics, has infiltrated the BMT moderation team. Lucky for us there are 4 or 5 members here the save us from being capsized by the blue wave.
  22. I’m very close to this truck if anyone is seriously interested I can go get some pictures of the frame. Andy
  23. Looks good
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