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Everything posted by hurstscrambler

  1. Looks great, congrats. Andy
  2. Looks sharp to me, I'd be proud to drive it. Andy
  3. Brockton is Rocky Marciano's hometown I believe. I wish I was around as well, I live about an hour away and will be working even closer in Needham. It just probably wouldn't work out for me. Good luck, Andy
  4. That makes sense, the upper push valve is for the tractor, I assumed the lower would have just been for the trailer. I think the air system is going to be the most challenging part of the truck for me because of how little I know about them. Thanks for all the replys, it is very helpful. Andy
  5. That would make alot of sense I suppose, but everything still was connected. Also both push pull valve appear original as well, they share a bracket and have IH branding on them. Sorry for the bad pic but it might help. Andy
  6. They appear original to me, but maybe one was added? Andy
  7. This is where I get confused, I have the Dry Road/Slippery Road switch, as well as the "Truck Tractor Protection" flip style valve. One side is labeled NORMAL the other side says "EMERGENCY'. Then on the other side of the dash I have 2 push- pull style valves, one I pushed in to move the tractor as you would suspect and I presume the other was for airing up the trailer. The system was cannablized when I got the truck because it hadn't been used as a tractor since at least the mid 80's. Things were disconnected, plugged and in general disrepair, I made a good drawing of the existing system but I think it will have me chasing my tail due to all the uncertainties. Thanks, Andy
  8. Sorry for the delay with pictures, I've been getting so little done it's depressing. I'm hoping to spend some time on it this weekend. The schematic from another make truck may be helpful. Here are some pictures of the dash valves, I'm not clear how the dash mounted tractor protection valve is supposed to work. Andy
  9. I also got a new battery box, the ones I had we're in real bad shape and I wanted a box the could hold all 4 batteries and fit on the passenger side of the frame, behind the stack bracket. That leaves the DS with enough space to mount the hydraulic tank my buddy gave me. Andy
  10. This may be no help at all, but Rydemore truck parts in Fitchburg has helped me in the past with non Mack parts. I've also seen that Global truck traders always have a bunch of Mack parts advertised, they are in southern NH and may be worth a shot. Good luck, Andy
  11. It always seems bittersweet getting items sandblasted, but it sure gives one a clean slate to start with. Can't wait to see the project take shape. Andy
  12. Just a guess, but maybe Bushles Per Acre? Andy
  13. I'm sure I missed it in another post, but what is going under the hood? Andy
  14. https://columbus.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1978-ford-9000/6609429072.html
  15. I think it's Columbus Ohio. Andy
  16. Thanks for the reply guys. Fortunately I don't need to send them anything, I just didn't want to spend a bunch of money and end up with stuff that will need to be replaced every other year. Andy
  17. Who offers a good restoration service for these wheels. I'd like to send out my IH wheel if the cost wasn't out of this world. Andy
  18. I'm looking for a good source for a stainless steel muffler, elbows, clamps, and some pipe. It seems like there are many different places that have it but prices seem to vary more than I would have expected. If anyone has a website or a manufacturer they recommend, let me know. Thanks, Andy
  19. To say things have been moving slow would be an understatement, but there has been progress. I got the chrome back from Pauls and they did do a very nice job. I couldn't be happier, some of the emblems I gave then to work with were in awful condition. I applied Dynamat to the inside of the cab, I got the door latches in and working. I was able to put the horns and running lights on, as well as getting the luberfiner all cleaned up and installed. My buddy and I mounted the visor which went surprisingly well, but I still have some fitment issues to overcome. I remade all of the auxillary shifter linkages and it seems to work pretty well. I was also able to pull the water pump off the engine and brought it up to Mahoney's in Brentwood, NH so they could swap the pulley out for me. Let me say that those two brothers up there are about as friendly and knowledgable as people come. I believe J Hancock sent me to them for some info at some point and he was right on. At this point I'm becoming more concerned about the air line plumbing situation, I would really like a diagram of the way this truck rolled off the assembly line. I made a pretty good schematic when I took the truck apart, but it had been bastardized so much that I doubt anything related to the trailer will function properly. Im definitely replacing every line, and planned on replacing all the valves. The only difficulty in replacing all the valves is I would like to keep the old style valves and contols that were in the cab, as I think they contribute to the style of the truck. I would hate to put the plastic valve assembly in, but if it is what needs to be done I will. I will try to get some pictures up today. Thanks, Andy
  20. Considering who some of these companies pass off as professional drivers around here, that was still probably considered a good day. Andy
  21. It really is cleaning up nice, congrats. Andy
  22. Definitely seems like alot of money, but still cool. Andy
  23. What a sharp looking truck, alot of potential it appears. Andy
  24. That sucks to hear, do you have any recourse with whoever you purchased the truck from? Andy
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