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SMFire History

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Everything posted by SMFire History

  1. So it looks like the brake switch is pretty much like Vladislav posted and is where is suggested to look. I've attached a pic. Here's what I've determined... 1. Touching the wires together with the battery switch on does not illuminate the brake lights. 2. Neither wire has 12v to it with the battery on. 3. The wires return to the loom at the switch and the tail lights and they are hard to trace. I will run a 12v power wire to the brake lights to be sure they illuminate. I'm thinking I may need to dig into the original wiring harness to determine whats up. Thanks, Dom
  2. Thanks for the great information guys. Good to know the threaded spot beneath the pedal is normal as it looks difficult to get to. I'll check the drivers side frame rail land see what I find.
  3. Interesting... I'll have a look. We have a few switches on the dash that are disconnected and a few others that I don't know what they do. I'm pretty sure I determined what the issue with the brake lights is. There's a large threaded hole under the pedal that is empty! I don't see any loose wires but they must be stuffed up near there or maybe cut off. How does the switch get activated? Robert- Any idea where I can get this switch?? Thanks, Dom
  4. Thanks for the pic. Gives me a good idea what to look for. Much appreciated. I'll give it a go from underneath first.
  5. Yes red lenses. Looks like original wiring but you never know. It's low on the list but we would like to make it right. It has helped me see that I've left the battery on a couple times.
  6. I did not have a chance to pull the pedal today but we are getting tail lights and the rear blinkers worked as well prior to that switch failing so I think we're good on the ground. The bulbs are intact and the second wire leading back into the housing is not energized when applying the brake. I'll try to get to the switch this weekend and will post up results. I found it odd that the running lights on top of the fenders are on when the battery is switched on. Is that common or were these re-wired for that? All the other running lights come on with the light switch. Dom
  7. Thank you for the replies and my apologies for a vague post initially. The brakes work fine and I have replaced the two rear cans already. The electrical switch is what I need to troubleshoot as I am not getting power to the brake lights. Thanks, Dom
  8. In an effort to make our rig roadworthy I need to troubleshoot the brake switch. It appears to be beneath the pedal and I'm hoping I can get a little guidance on getting to it before pulling it all apart and potentially making it inoperable. 1952 125LS with air brakes. Here's a pic of the pedal. Do I need to remove the bolts near the outer collar and then once it's off remove the inner bolts near the actuator? Thanks, Dom
  9. Fantastic rig. Al, which tires are those? Are they still available? We are in the process of sourcing tires and those look to be close to original. Most people have been suggesting upgrading to the newer radial tire which looks nothing like the original Firestones. Congratulations! Dom
  10. Our 52 L125 is equipped with air brakes. If you'd like any pics let me know. We're going through everything now and replacing what needs it. So far rear cans and some hoselines.
  11. And thanks for posting the pics!
  12. FDNY- The serial # for the 52 is 125LS 1038. We have the 48 listed on a chassis register from the Mack Museum but it does not list the serial number.
  13. Bob- I have not had time to drive the 20 miles to the local dealer. My 9 month old daughter is taking up most of my time. I'll let you know once I make the trip.
  14. Excellent suggestions. Once we have the seals out I'll order up what we need. The breather was gummed up with crap so I've cleared that. Maybe that will help for now. I'm going to clean up the wheel and see if its still leaking now that that is clear. We decided to go with newer Toyo radials instead of the old nylon tires so those will be ordered up soon.
  15. Thought I would share an old educational film that features the SMFD and has a few good shots of one of our Mack pumpers. I'm not sure if it's our 48? It's about 15 minutes but worth a look... http://dominicsmith.com/SMFD_Movie.html
  16. Thanks for all the info guys. I'll take a look at the lights Friday to see if they are original or have a look for a venders name. It looks like otbgear.com is another good option. fxfymn- thanks for the offer on parts. I'll try to drop you a PM. We are missing the entire grill vertical along with the 125 shield. I'll look up Cal once we have a more thorough list of what we're missing. Are you guys getting axle seals from a special vendor or just a local trucking company? Thanks again for the assistance, Dom
  17. Bob- Thanks for the info. I've included a pic of the other sides park lite. I didn't realize there are 3 hood hinge brackets. We have one at the rear near the windshield and one (I assumed) at the grill? I appreciate the part #'s. Is the strip in the center of the louvres something I will most likely find online? Thanks again, Dom
  18. Hi guys- Just starting to piece together what we are missing on our rig and thought I would post up some needs and see if you have suggestions on who may be able to assist. I apologize if I'm not using the proper terminology. Is there an online schematic breakdown of parts somewhere? Here's what I know we need for now... -Windshield frame trim (drivers side) both top and bottom pieces. -Front hood hold down bracket (see pic below: blue arrow indicates where it goes and red arrow indicates what it holds down. Probably easily fabricated if they are hard to find. -Front grill chrome trim piece (maybe says 125 near the top like some of the 95's?) See pic below for where it goes. -Font headlight outer trim ring (drivers and passengers side). -Top mini light on top of the passenger side headlight (see pic) -Turn signal switch internals. I cracked ours open and opened the switch, cleaned and regreased but it only works on one side. -Mack Mirrors (West Coast Style?) Other items I will contact our retirees about locating: -Original Mack Bell -Original growler I will add to the list as things change but any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Dom history@smfire.org
  19. 125 Sales Brochure...
  20. Yes on air brakes. Will have them gone through in the next few weeks to resolve a leak and solve an issue of them not disengaging right away. I believe the 125 designator is related to the pump size as the sales literature is written that way. Front bumper is specified as "24QL 234Pl"
  21. Thank you. I will add this to our resource list.
  22. A few more Oceanside pics...
  23. This is Oceanside Firefighters (CA) 1952 L95...
  24. A few pics as it sat in 2010 before heading to Lindsay, CA for a brief stay before returning back home to Santa Monica...
  25. I noticed the front bumper was different but thought maybe in changed when it was converted to our aircraft rig. Thanks for the insight. I do see now that the bulldog is missing from the side of the engine bay. Nice tid bits to help resolve which rig is which. Thank you! Here's a pic of the 52 post conversion when it was in service at the airport here in Santa Monica. Sorry for the poor quality...
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