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Randy mckinney

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Everything posted by Randy mckinney

  1. I have found the problem. I removed air cylinders from tranny the rev. side moves free the low and high one does not move at all.
  2. Air is coming from exhaust line. It kinda seams like the shift cylinder is frozen up this truck has a "dirty air" problem so i keep filter changed prety often.
  3. 85 mack 12 spd no forward gears shifts ir rev fine but when you shift from netrual to low nothing you can hear air but no clunk like i hear when i shifts to rev any pointers would be great
  4. I strongley recomened a new clutch when the tranny was out but my boss the guy writin the check said we will put one in when it goes hes also not the guy rollin around on the floor removin the tranny. The truck is a 99 mack rd688s cable clutch not sure the model of trans of the top of my head (8ll) all i got till mon
  5. Replaced tranny (8ll) with reman and used old clutch against my better judgement the driver said every thing was great two weeks later he said clutch has no free play and when u push clutch to shift the rpms never change and it wont come out of gear i havent looked at truck yet my self just lookin for some pointers in my thinking if i adjust clutch to get proper free play it will not help the the release problem
  6. 99 rd688 cruise quit is there any common issues or places to look first or any body have a wireing diagram. Its an e7 mack dealer says its the computer but they never had there hands on truck just a phone call
  7. He told me they they set the high speed adjustment on gov and changed damper
  8. The guy i got the engine off of told me he had it "de tuned" to suit his saw mill needs. Im finding all the guys around here that know detriots are in the nursing homes younger guys if u cant put a lap top to them they can work on it
  9. Guess ill just scrap her!!
  10. Its on a davey drill i have 3 of these drills all the same two of them run great this one did run great till motor blew i got a low hour used motor off a saw mill it doesnt turn enough rpm to run the compresser to blow hole out and hydro pumps dont have the pressure they did and bit rotation is slow. They run great at 2000-2100 this used motor only runs 1550 this used motor runs great just too slow.
  11. Is there a chance differant injectors could help my problem
  12. Any sugestions on how to increse my rpm
  13. This is a stationary engine with hand throttle i have opened throttle up wide open and then unhooked cable from engine a tryed to open engine up more by hand a its against the stop
  14. Anybody know how to adjust the govenor on a 671 detriot its turnin 1550 rpm at wot i need 2100
  15. You can watch them in the miror swithinback an forth driven in a straight line also shoud the round tube between walkin beams be able too move back an forth by hand
  16. 99 rd688 how much should the rear move in an out the take turns in and out it seams like its pretty extream to me its like 4" one of the drivers said its normal to move that much but he a driver not a wrench turner
  17. Some volt reg need good ground. I had one bolted to fire wall and we painted truck and it woulnt charge scraped some paint back were reg bolts on an problem fixed. Just a thought.
  18. Looks like some changes will be made jan. first
  19. Is the valve a n easy fix any guess on price for parts?
  20. I used a power prob an it trips circut braker instantly
  21. "85 "e-6 275 engine brake issues under valve cover power good to head (when unpluged) plug wire on spade an it trips breaker any ideas before i pull valve cover. It is a 4 valve
  22. Im the other driver and i have no complants about brakesright gear with engine brake i dont hardly use the brakes
  23. Yes it does have engine brake yes drums were heat cracked replaced rear drive drums and lining. Front drive is getting new drums and lining in jan. truck is a bulk truck in the mining industry could it be he is over running the brakes from speed braking to late not using engine brake and possibly not dropping lift axle which has brakes and never need set up
  24. Slacks are same rear drive had new lining anb drums in october every day wen trucks comes in it has a smell of hot brakes
  25. I set my brakes too have one inch of throw locks work slack adj are all new my driver runs truck about two weeks and brakes are about two to two an a half inches of throw i this truck sees about 20,000 miles a year i have run this truck befor for two years in a row touched the brakes up once been dot ed 3 times an never had a brake out of adj my question is does my driver need sent down the road walkin or is there something posably wrong with the brakes
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