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Randy mckinney

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Everything posted by Randy mckinney

  1. Thanks guys for the info! I will have to run the numbers past the mack museum. I need to narow down what part i need befor i go to mack dealer local dealer near me is a joke you have better luck finding mack parts at wal-mart
  2. Is there a way to run vin# to get all info on truck(build sheet) so in future i know what is in my truck so i can order parts if so were is the info on truck and were do u look up the numbers.
  3. We have at work i beleve to be a ntc 250 my question is there is a lever on the front of the head is it a compresion relese or a foot op. engine brake?
  4. I my self would replace the block heater.im a little confused on ur concern of a fire then u mention a burner buring fuel. That sounds like more of a fire hazard than a block heater. I have had block heaters pluged in for 4 days and no fire. Not saying it cant happen.
  5. Sounds to me like there a pain in the obama! Extra oil cap. More $ at every oil change. How much do they extend intrvales.
  6. I have heard some oldtimers talk about lube finders so here is my dumb questions what do they do? How do they work? Are they worth having? Can they be installed on any engine?
  7. Column has not been moved in 6 years. Maybe i should... Lol
  8. No lights i aware of colum has been moved in 6 years tach an speedo dont reset. Does the e7 have an elec. supply pump that could be going bad it shut down today fuel relay was pretty warm switched it with a spare fired right up put the warm one backin and fired right up again.
  9. When u switch from low to neutral and in to rev. An let the clutch out it stalls the engine will do same thing going from r to n to low but not all the time but pretty often even pausing in neutral before low or rev doesnt make a diferance. Not sure about hearing air will check that out.
  10. 1985 rd688 12 speed maxi torque. What oil is recomended for this tranny? Also what can cause this tranny to lock up when shifting from low to rev. Flip the switck back an forth it comes out of gear and ur good to go till next time u need rev. Any ideas on what can cause this? Mack said to change filter on air going to tranny so i did and no change. Then they told me to bring it to them and they could find the problem for what im sure would be a big bill.
  11. Hi I have a 99 mack rd688 with e7 two diff. drivers complain that it just shuts off while driving some times it will fire back up befor u get it off the road some times it takes about a 5 min. is this common or a direction I should be looking one guy switched fuel relay and it started back up and in 20-25 mile it shut down again. it may act up 3-5 times a day and go weeks between episodes. will the computer store any a code the may help. any info. would be great.
  12. There was a alcohol can on firewall that was removed some of those lines might be for that sure wish i was the one that pulled the old engine. My boss hered the new engine run when when he bought it he didnt check jake so i might be chasing my tail.
  13. Yes it has air dryer. Further diggin i found bad pop off valves on air tanks. The air gov has 3 fittings on it and i have six air lines on truck all in that area and they all reach gov nicely. The jake has me stumped the switch on the pump has two wires one was grounded an one not connected at all i have a wire that runs from head to head and one just hanging i have a wire from cab that has power only when jake switch is on and clutch out (push clutch loses power) i hooked that wire to switch on throtal and ungrounded the other wire and ran it too heads power in heads at idle open throtal no power jake still not working now as soon as u turn jake switch on the bat. Gauge goes nuts as well as me. Lol
  14. I have an 85 rd688 that had a 300 in it engine was removed by someone else an no lines were marked i installed a 350 from a superliner got all hooked up an runnin but the jake doesnt work and air lines to gov cant figure out it runs about 170 psi when i switch air lines around it runs about 140psi but when you relesse parking brake air leaks out end of gov any help with what airline goes from gov to were ever would be great. The old engine had a dynotard new one has jake is there diff wiring for jake
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