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Everything posted by Bulldog521

  1. I gave up looking for a used one and I did not like the quote from the dealer for a new one. I found a gauge from Linear-Logic, it`s called a ScanGauge D . It works great.It will provide MPG, Horsepower, Volts,Speed, Boost, trip info and a whole lot more, plus you can program it for custom info. It sits right in front of my co-pilot on a sticky pad and it gives me all the info I need. It plugs into the J socket. If this the info you want ,it`s well worth the money.
  2. and don`t live in Saskatchewan lol
  3. Peter at Northwest Truck in Edmonton answered all my questions. Thank You
  4. Hi guys, I`ve got a 97 ch with a 454. My injector pump is leaking diesel on the top of the pump. while looking on the internet for a replacement pump, I see that the part # for the pump that is on my truck is for a 400 not a 454. As I know very little about the inner workings of these pumps , I am hoping that the experts on here can advise if this is ok or if this may be part of the problem and is it ok to switch these pumps like this.The pump has about 300 K on it since it was installed. Thanks for any and all replies
  5. They work very well, when they work. I have had three sets. One set with the braided hoses, hose is to heavy and they started leaking at swivel.One set, rubber hoses, wore through from rubbing aginst edge of hand hole on budd rim.Last set, rubber with loom to protect against wear at hand holes, worked well until new set of drives installed at big name tire dealer who somehow got farm tractor balance fluid in my tires and caused the valves on the cat`s eyes to seize up. Of course the tire dealer assurred me that he was not at fault so would not pay for them.I`m now buying my fourth set, what else can go wrong.LOL
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