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  1. Good Morning, I just saw this today I’ll get you that picture later this evening. thank you
  2. Good Afternoon, I have one it’s in one piece. Has a small crack. Do you have a number I can I send you picture of it. thank you
  3. You wouldn’t happen to have the phone number.
  4. Good Afternoon, You wouldn’t happen to have a good 73 and up cab. thank you.
  5. Yes 8.0 is the 8” version you are looking for. Probably have two maybe three.
  6. Good Afternoon, Just to be clear you are looking for rim parts for 24” 8.0 rims. If you are I may have what you are looking for. Thank you
  7. Good Afternoon, Are you still in the market for a complete unit. I have one ready to go set up for a spicer double disc clutch.
  8. Good Evening, I know we spoke before. Now that I’m actually getting ready to pull the transmission. I’ve noticed that the back spilter box is cast and the front main box is aluminum. Let me now if that helps you. It was hard to see with the almost 60 years of grease on it. Thank you
  9. Good Morning, I have one behind a 673 but it’s cast iron. Unless you’re set on an aluminum one. It’s a 1965.
  10. Good Morning, I have one behind a 673 does that help you. Not sure on the parts interchange.
  11. Good Evening, Do you still have this parts. Thank you
  12. Morning, Did you happen to check which size rims there on. For my rig I need 8.0’s the rubber would still work. But I would like to know what you have there.
  13. Did you sell them?
  14. Good Afternoon, Are these tires on 8.0”-8.5” rims. thank you
  15. Did you guys find one yet. Are you looking for a short or long pump.
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